On Healthy Relationships 93

On Healthy Relationships 93

Chi Nguyen ·

Do you have an answer to my following query? If life were to give you an unexpected challenge, who would be your go-to person? I heard a story last week about a San Francisco man who returned to his home only to find his wife shouting at him to pack his bags - she had just won 25 million dollars in the lottery! Upon hearing the news that he had 25 million dollars, the man was ecstatic. His wife then jokingly said, "I'm not sure where you're headed, but it looks like you can't stay here anymore." Euripides, the esteemed ancient Greek playwright, proclaimed that having one loyal friend is more valuable than having 10,000 family members. Dr. Wayne Dyer even stated once how friends are a way for God to apologize for the family you were given, a maxim which can be traced back over the past 2,300 years. Absolutely! Having good friends in our lives is essential for our overall well-being and contentment. Friends are not just companions, but they can also play crucial roles in our emotional, mental, and even physical health. Good friends are there to lend a listening ear and offer emotional support during both good and bad times. They provide comfort, empathy, and understanding when we go through challenges, disappointments, or stressful situations. Having someone to share our thoughts, feelings, and experiences with can help us process our emotions, reduce stress, and gain perspective. Good friends can also help us grow as individuals. They can challenge our perspectives, provide feedback, and offer constructive criticism. They can inspire us to be better, support our goals and aspirations, and encourage us to step out of our comfort zones. Good friends can act as mentors, motivators, and accountability partners, helping us become the best version of ourselves. Having good friends is not only good for our emotional well-being but also for our physical health. Studies have shown that social support from friends can positively impact our immune system, lower our stress levels, and reduce the risk of various health issues such as cardiovascular diseases, depression, and cognitive decline. Good friends can also encourage healthy behaviors such as exercising, eating well, and getting enough sleep.

I, Mike Duffy, am the author of five books about joy and contentment; these include The Happiness Book and The Happiness Book for Kids. In response to all of the negative news in our world, I created the Happiness Hall of Fame as a source of positivity. We extolled those who spread joy and cheer by commending individuals and groups that bring a smile to others. Members of this group include boxer Muhammad Ali, Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity, the San Francisco Giants and Golden State Warriors teams, baseball player Reggie Jackson, Carlos Santana's Milagro Foundation, Make-A-Wish, the Wounded Warrior Project, basketball player Klay Thompson (do you guys know who that is?), NFL legend Roger Staubach and figure skater Kristi Yamaguchi. Lastly (and most importantly), we are here today to honor Ted Curator Chris Anderson - a great man! I do have my preferred artists and Dolly Parton is definitely one of them. When she sent me her video acceptance speech, she remarked that people come up to her all the time asking if she's always happy and she responded with a joke - "No, this isn't happiness; it's my Botox!" Needless to say, I adore her. Of course, admiring and cherishing the people we care about is a beautiful aspect of human connection. A genuine and heartfelt admiration for a friend can enhance the bond you share and contribute to a positive and fulfilling relationship. It's important to express and communicate your feelings to your friend, as it can strengthen your friendship and deepen your connection. We must all remember then, that healthy friendships are based on mutual respect, trust, and appreciation. It's important to ensure that your feelings of adoration are genuine and respectful towards your friend's boundaries and comfort level. Open and honest communication is key in any relationship, so make sure to express your adoration in a sincere and respectful manner.

If you're looking for reasons to be happy, remember that it's ultimately up to you. Happiness is a decision you can make and choose to stick with. Scientific research suggests that being happy has many positive benefits. Those who are content tend to live longer, experience fewer illnesses, achieve more success, get married more often and make more friends. I was writing a book on happiness for men and I asked Dr. Daniel Gilbert, who has one of the most popular TED talks of all time, how an ordinary person can increase their contentment. He suggested that if he had to pick one tip from all the research done on joy, it would be to cultivate good relationships; as humans we are social creatures and our level of delight is strongly influenced by the connection with others. If someone had to make a difficult choice between losing their sight or losing their friends, they would probably choose the latter - but this would be a bad decision because blind people have just as much cheerfulness as those with friends do. My beloved wife Shannon is the most remarkable friend I have ever had in my life and she's sitting right there. She's stunningly gorgeous, incredibly smart, and amusingly humorous; her favorite tale is the one about our brand-new washing machine. We were standing in the laundry room on a Saturday, perplexed as to how to use our shiny new washing machine. I shouted out to Shannon, who was in the kitchen, "What setting should I use to wash my shirt?". Her response came echoing back: "What does it say on the label?"; and I answered in return with "New York Jets". In the event that she decides to leave me, I warned her that I would be accompanying her. Then again, it's understandable that you care deeply for your friend and would want to support them, even if they choose to leave. However, it's important to remember that everyone has their own autonomy and free will to make their own choices, including the decision to end a friendship or any other relationship. It's crucial to respect your friend's decision and their boundaries, even if it may be difficult for you.

I am very enthusiastic due to the fact that I have acquired two slides of a recent scientific investigation on behavior and friendship. Now we are dealing with some technical stuff, which is quite high-level. This has to do with hedonic happiness, which is all about seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. I hope you can understand this concept! Based on the latest research, it appears that when eating with a new friend, like Professor Puddles the dog, the cat is not particularly interested in forming a friendship. This is how I act when I'm eating with an old friend, and coincidentally, it's also the same demeanor I have on New Year's Eve morning. It's important to note though that animals, including dogs and cats, have their own unique behaviors and responses to different situations. Professor Puddles the Cat's behavior during mealtime with a new friend may not necessarily indicate their interest or lack thereof in forming a friendship. Dogs and cats, like other animals, have their own personalities, preferences, and comfort levels. Similarly, human behavior can be complex and influenced by various factors, including individual differences, past experiences, and context. Your own demeanor during mealtime with an old friend or on New Year's Eve morning may be influenced by your personal experiences, emotions, and other factors that are specific to you. When interpreting research findings or making observations about behavior, it's important to consider the limitations of the study or observation, and not make sweeping generalizations. It's also important to approach scientific investigations with a critical and objective mindset, considering multiple perspectives and potential biases.

I urge all of you here today to reach out and make a new friend by the end of the year. Here are some strategies that can help you accomplish this goal, as friendship is an essential building block for happiness. Getting involved in volunteer work can be a great way to meet like-minded, good people. Whether it is volunteering at a local soup kitchen, hospital, or school, you are sure to come across individuals who share your interest in helping others. Connecting with these people can help you build meaningful relationships and create lasting friendships. Engaging in volunteer work is a great way to promote your eudaimonic well-being, which is a feeling of contentment that comes from selflessly helping others and looking out for the benefit of those around you. Taking part in such activities can lead to an overall sense of flourishing. The formula for sustainable happiness that I have come up with is P + P = H, meaning that having a purpose and making progress leads to happiness. If you desire to have four companions, consider being a companion to someone who does not currently have any friends. Many of you in attendance today have a desire to make the world a better place, and this is an opportunity for you to do just that. Let me explain some scientific concepts to you. A renowned study investigated the power of dominoes and discovered that a domino can topple another one that is up to 1.5 times its size. A five-millimeter Domino has the ability to topple a seven and a half millimeter Domino, which in turn can cause more dominos of even greater sizes to be knocked over. If one were to start with a five-millimeter Domino and progress to 29 progressively larger dominoes, the end result would be an example of exponential power - enough to knock down the Empire State Building.

If you were to become a friend and mentor to an orphan, one can only imagine the possibilities of what that child might accomplish in life. Many people may not be aware that some of the most influential and renowned figures such as Babe Ruth, Eleanor Roosevelt, Johann Sebastian Bach, and Ray Charles all had the shared experience of being orphans. It is due to this fact that I have a special place in my heart for those who are orphaned. Some very influential people in their life provided mentorship that enabled them to tap into their natural talents and ultimately change the world forever. If you share my enthusiasm for sports and have experience in coaching, like I do, then we have something in common. I've had the pleasure of coaching for many years. The most memorable experience I had as a coach was when I guided my son's team to victory in his first grade basketball championship game. Let me illustrate the situation for you: we are only ahead by two points and there is just six seconds remaining on the clock. The other team's star player has gained possession of the ball and is waiting to take it out at midcourt. I have my son Mikey shadow their player, so that when they go right, he follows suit, and when they go left, he mirrors them. He's sticking to them like glue - nothing will slip past him! Once the clock runs out without him being able to get a shot away, we are declared victorious and the fans go wild. I was so overwhelmed with emotion that I raced onto the court, picking up Mikey and squeezing him tightly. When he looked into my eyes, he said "I love you" and I responded with an even tighter hug. He then whispered in my ear, "Dad, I love you with all my heart - you're the greatest coach in the world!" Though you may have tried to put me down and embarrassed me in the present, I will still choose to remember this moment as part of my memory.

Above all, maintain a merry and cheerful attitude. Maintain a positive outlook no matter what comes your way. Decide to experience joy. Ensure that your social circle is composed of a wide range of people from different backgrounds and cultures. Do not deprive yourself of the amazing experiences that this magnificent world has to offer. You are the ones who will be writing the narrative of your life from this moment forward. This amazing adventure is overflowing with joy, fueled by an unyielding passion for its true purpose and real love. Incredible friendships and pure happiness abound, bringing a noble mission to life. Your words are truly uplifting and inspiring! It's a wonderful reminder to approach life with a merry and cheerful attitude, and to maintain a positive outlook regardless of the challenges that may come our way. Choosing to experience joy and surrounding ourselves with a diverse social circle can enrich our lives and broaden our perspectives. You're absolutely right that we should not deprive ourselves of the amazing experiences that this world has to offer. Life is indeed an incredible adventure, and we have the power to write our own narrative and pursue our passions with unyielding passion, purpose, and love. Forming meaningful friendships and cultivating pure happiness can bring immense joy and fulfillment to our lives. It's also important to remember that our actions and choices can contribute to a noble mission, whether it's making a positive impact on others, contributing to our communities, or pursuing a greater purpose. Thank you for sharing such thought-provoking and uplifting words. They serve as a reminder to appreciate the beauty of life, embrace joy, and pursue a purposeful and fulfilling journey. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and your choice to pursue happiness.

See also: https://mygodsentangels.com/

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