On Healthy Relationships 31

On Healthy Relationships 31

Chi Nguyen ·

Is there a way to strengthen and deepen the love between two people? In Sweden, my homeland, approximately 40,000 weddings are held annually and there are approximately 20,000 divorces in the same timeframe. It is a mystery as to why it is this way. Raise your hand if you have experienced love. Does anyone near agree that love can be quite complicated? It has now been a year since Amanda and I began our endeavor to scientifically strengthen the love between us through a project. Although I'm not a scientist or professor, I am just an ordinary person who conducted an incredible experiment that completely transformed my life and altered my relationships. Today I am offering you the opportunity to invest just 16 minutes of your time in order to gain access to concrete tools that can enable you to achieve similar results with minimal effort.

Do you recall the sensation of being in love? I can still remember my first encounter with Amanda, which had happened ten years ago. Whenever I laid eyes on her, my heart felt like it was melting. Even when she wasn't around for twenty minutes, I would take out my phone and send her a text saying: "Hey love, I missed you - do you miss me?" After 20 minutes, I was the guy who could come to her work with flowers and usually play these songs for her, despite not being able to play the guitar. As time passes quickly, it has been seven years since those most romantic moments and now it feels different if she has left you for ten hours. You might even call her saying, "Don't forget to get snacks for tonight's movie - make sure you don't be late!" There is no need for you to send her any songs or flowers either. I recall the night in late October when Amanda phoned me, tears streaming down her face. She uttered, "Jonathan, I don't think this relationship will work out." It was a pivotal moment for us; our future hung in the balance.

That evening, I was sitting alone and pondering why the situation had occurred. I felt embarrassed about myself, as she was the love of my life, but what had caused it to happen? I have been reflecting on my life and I came to the realization that I have been pursuing success, fame, and glory through being an adventurer and going on expeditions; however, for what purpose? At some point during my journey, I became unable to feel certain emotions towards myself and others. I could sense the feelings of stress, anger and frustration, but those of love, thankfulness and compassion were exceptionally difficult for me to experience. I believe that this might be a key factor as to why the relationship was not succeeding. After a couple of days, I went to my mentor Manny and confided in him about my emotions concerning the issue of love. I shared all of the details with him. He looked at me with a playful smile and said, "Jonathan, I'm going to explain this to you in a very straightforward manner since you're only 26."

Then he grabbed a glass. Manny showed me the glass which he told me was my brain, and instructed that the water within was meant to symbolize my emotions; while the ten straws were supposed to represent receptors. Manny then said that the water in the glass represented my emotions of frustration, stress, and anger - feelings I could easily identify with. He then handed me 10 strong straws, explaining that they were meant to help me express these feelings more easily. When he asked if I acknowledge the case with understanding, I nodded in agreement. When Manny spoke again, he said the water was now a symbol of gratitude, love and empathy - feelings that can be hard to experience. He then took away nine straws, leaving only one. He stated, "You now only have a single straw. It could even be blocked and this one is called oxytocin." The effects of oxytocin receptors and oxytocin itself are that they boost your feelings of love. They heighten your appreciation and bolster your ability to understand others' perspectives. Finally, Manny asked, "Jonathan, do you desire to experience more of these emotions?" I answered in return with "Yes, I do." Then Manny stated that there was one thing which needed to be comprehended. In order to build muscle, you must be committed to a consistent exercise regimen over an extended period of time. You could potentially build muscles similar to those of bodybuilders if you take the same approach as they do. The same philosophical process applies to developing new neural pathways and increasing the number of receptors in the brain. In order to achieve success, it is essential that you exercise certain techniques on a regular basis over an extended period of time. If you do what is suggested, it is possible to create new oxytocin receptors. This could result in feeling more of those loving emotions one again. And if you apply this idea in your relationship, then that would be a true demonstration of love.

I ran back home to Amanda and shared with her the life lesson that I had learned. She gave me a look of admiration and wonderment, as she was aware that I was actually finding myself and that she herself was studying medicine. We determined to attempt reviving our connection once more. We planned to undertake a project focusing on oxytocin. For a couple of months, we were going to be working on techniques related to oxytocin production every day and observe the outcome. Doesn't that sound interesting? Are you interested in learning what the top three techniques are that we discovered after searching and analyzing around 20 of them? We Googled and looked for these techniques, and today I'm going to share those with you. The first one has the ability to instantly alter the ambience of the room. We are going to attempt this method, which could be a bit intimidating for some people; however, it is still alright. As quickly as you can, I want everyone to stand up since I'm short on time. When I count to three, please give each other a hug. I want you to embrace the individual that is positioned near or behind you. Ready? I'll start counting - 1, 2, 3 - let's give each other a hug! Let's embrace and keep our arms around each other. Give yourself a round of applause for a job well done - you can take a seat now! Has the atmosphere of this room shifted since hugging and touching have increased? This may be due to the production of oxytocin. Beginning and ending your day with a hug is one way to increase oxytocin levels, however there are other more meaningful ways to do so. Of course, I won't spoil the details for this eager audience; rather I'll just let my readers speculate their own ways to raise oxytocin. This individual human is highly adept at both offering and receiving hugs, which proves to be a very powerful and simple gesture that can truly make a difference in our daily lives when we have more of them.

I have been using the second technique every day for the past six months and I would like to discuss it with my audience. I had practiced something called gratitude meditation for a period of six months. Professor Robert Hammond asserted that displaying gratitude can help to prevent destructive emotions, like envy, depression and anger, which if left unchecked can have a negative impact on our wellbeing. Research has consistently demonstrated that expressing gratitude has a positive effect on our overall happiness and wellbeing. From my own experience, I can attest to the priceless value of gratitude meditation. Beginning each day, I head to the bridge and plug in some soothing music. Focusing on memories of thankfulness, I take a few moments to relax. From childhood rather than adulthood, we were often more deeply affected by emotions due to our youthful vulnerability. I am striving to find occasions of thankfulness with Amanda that I can cherish in the days ahead. I spent four months in Africa, assisting the children there. Unfortunately, these kids would eat the same thing every single day - a fact that made me really sad. Starting every day with this knowledge was quite difficult both for me and for them. The group of us had one football to use, and a few of them each shared single beds for the night. The children I met were the most appreciative ones I have ever seen. I take a moment in the morning to sit and reflect on how fortunate I am, which makes me feel grateful. This thought also brings to mind if those around me are feeling the same appreciation for what they have. In the current society, many individuals take life for granted and overlook the power of gratitude. Nevertheless, acknowledging what we are thankful for is a vital component of leading a happy life.

Now I want to discuss communication as the third topic. At the pivotal moment when success or failure hung in the balance, our communication was severely lacking. This method was essential for us and we were able to encourage communicating in a manner that boosts the production of oxytocin. Researchers have supplied us with information, the first of which is regarding eye contact. Making deep eye contact has been known to trigger the production of oxytocin, which can create a good sense of connection. Does it make you feel a bit uncomfortable though? The second research tip is to take a risk and be willing to get personal. Be courageous enough to express your feelings, as during my military service I was taught that being strong and not attempting to do anything emotional were the qualities of a real man. When I attempted to really open up and express my feelings, it had a major positive effect on our relationship. I assure all of the individual men present that when I took that action, it increased trust within myself and with other people. This further led to an increase in oxytocin production. Manny even once told me, "Jonathan, you tend to get lost in your own thoughts a lot. If this happens too much it can lead to disconnecting from your feelings. To communicate with Amanda, try to focus on what your heart is telling you instead of what's going on inside your head." I'm extremely grateful for the advice I've been given, and I sincerely appreciate it. Discussing relationship fears is the third way to approach a problem. Although we had a difficult journey, I lacked the courage to discuss topics such as children, economics, and future residences. Although I had been climbing mountains all around the world as a mountaineer, I was quite silly and timid when it came to talking about children - something that truly scared me. We managed to do it. We sat down and I mustered all of my bravery and we discussed various topics such as children, the economy, and the future. It was very relieving to talk about these matters, creating an stronger bond between us.

This is an effective tool that can help foster greater, long-lasting love between two people. Keeping its use a secret makes it even more special for the couples who employ it. There has been a set of techniques known as oxytocin techniques that can be used. Would you like to learn more about it? Unfortunately, I am only able to provide you with 15 minutes of my time today; unfortunately, this means I will not be able to give you the remaining 17 minutes. My apologies for this inconvenience. There is still an abundance of information available elsewhere, ranging from the internet to books and movies. I'm sure you know there's a lot of information available regarding this topic. I dare you to challenge yourself and your partner to create your own oxytocin project if it resonates with my story. Let me know how it goes! People often ask what oxytocin feels like. Oxytocin is a hormone that our brain releases when we experience happiness, attachment and bonding with someone or something. It can give us a sense of well-being, warmth and connection. Do you have the desire to experience something new? Would you like to have a sense of fulfillment? Are you looking for something exciting in your life? Then let's give Amanda a round of applause and bring her up on stage. Wouldn't you agree that she's beautiful? For the past ten years, I have been truly devoted to you, Amanda. I just wanted to take this opportunity to express my gratitude. I am so grateful for your faith in me and I can't thank you enough for being the most incredible person I have ever encountered. I am truly grateful for all the wonderful experiences we have shared and the ones we will continue sharing, and I cannot imagine life at all without you by my side. Do you want to get married to me? You do?! Thank you so much for your response.

See also: https://mygodsentangels.com/

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