On Healthy Relationships 3

On Healthy Relationships 3

Chi Nguyen ·

Ultimately, life is all about loving one another. It is essential to embrace the ones we care for, foster relationships and enjoy life's positive experiences. As someone who has served in roles such as a teacher and a therapist, I can confidently say that one of the most significant decisions people face is the choice between love and something else. Moreover, my experience being a father of a newborn baby has further strengthened this notion. From my observations and personal experience, I can confidently say that when people make the choice to love, they always make the best decision. The topic of my speech today is about finding enlightenment within ourselves and how the light within can bring out our innermost potential. It really got me reflecting on how to make our inner spark shine brighter. A strong bond of love and devotion can bring light and joy to all our relationships. This, for me, is the best way to contribute positively to those around us. Building a strong relationship with oneself is the key to having successful relationships with others. Acknowledging and nurturing your own needs is essential in order to be able to give love and care towards those around you. In essence, we are here on Earth to not only give love but also to receive it in return. Love is a source of light and it should be celebrated and shared with others.

Today we will be doing a calming and guided exercise that can help us reconnect with love. All you have to do is close your eyes and think about three kinds of light. As you focus on each one, let the emotion of love return to you. Take a moment to think about three things and associate each with someone in your life. To help visualize this, close your eyes as you imagine the items and people.

So, let's get ready. Let's start our relaxation exercise by asking everyone to place their feet flat on the floor, palms up in their laps. Then, when ready, ask them to close their eyes gently and let their upper eyelids meet the lower lashes. Lastly, instruct them to take a deep breath and relax their shoulders. Imagine the sun to start with -- its radiant light and heat providing life and energy to the world. The sun is a shining example of how gratitude can make all the difference in life. Even on the gloomiest of days there's a resiliency to it, as it continues to share its warmth and light without any judgement or expectation. Whenever you need an extra boost of positive energy, just remember that the sun will always be there for you. Think of someone in your life who radiates warmth and love. Their love is just like the sun, brightening your day and providing comfort no matter the situation. Feel their presence now and take a moment to savor their unconditional affection. Imagine a lighthouse located on the edge of the sea where the ocean meets the land. Notice its strong beam of light that illuminates in all directions. Reflect on how this beacon provides a helping hand by guiding seafarers back home safely. Having someone who can guide us back to our true selves, and lead us to the path we're meant to be traveling on is invaluable. Is there such an individual in your life that can provide you with this kind of support and encouragement? Imagine the person you admire & reflect on the advice they have given you that motivates you to strive towards your goals. Imagine a disco ball spinning and sending off flashing lights, creating an energized atmosphere. Hear the music you love playing in the background while visualizing this fascinating object – that’s the last image I'd like you to contemplate. Are there people in your life who exude positive energy and bring joy in their presence, just like a disco ball radiates all the colors? They always make sure to keep the atmosphere light-hearted and enjoyable wherever they go. Think of someone who has inspired you to live your life fully, and with love - visualize them in your mind. Once you have done that, slowly open your eyes and allow the feelings to sink in.

I'm here to tell you about a student from my days as a teacher. His name was Daniel, whom I met during my first year in the classroom. Despite having no prior experience in teaching theology at an all-boys preparatory school, I was surprised to find myself learning from a 103-pound wrestling boy. He ended up being more of a teacher for me than I was for him: he was an inspiring role model for the entire school, demonstrating how to spread love and kindness through his actions. He showed us all how to shine our own individual lights. Coincidentally, the same year I encountered this individual was also when I got cut from my NFL team; the Baltimore Ravens. It felt as if a part of me had been taken away when they told me I wouldn't be playing quarterback for them anymore. Throughout the summer, I experienced the joy of training with my childhood idols in stadiums I had previously only been to as a spectator. It was like living out a fantasy and gave me an exciting opportunity to play & compete with them. Being part of the NFL was an amazing opportunity and I had a great time during my tenure. However, it all came to an end right before our season opener when I was informed that I did not make the final roster on cut down day. After finishing my degree at Georgetown University in psychology, I was uncertain of what career path to take. Thus, I made the decision to return to New Jersey and explore my options. After a while, an opportunity presented itself as I was offered a role as a football coach and theology teacher at an all-boys prep school. The freshmen orientation was a great way for me to impart the values of kindness, compassion and consideration. It enabled me to heal from my emotional wounds and opened my eyes to a much brighter future. I truly enjoyed teaching and playing football equally.

It was during this time that I encountered Daniel. He walked into my classroom with a bright, radiant presence that could be felt by all. His enthusiasm was infectious and made everyone around him feel alive. Daniel had an infectious personality that won the hearts of everyone in the school. Whenever we'd see him walk down the hallways, people would light up with his contagious smile and it would be reflected back to him from every person he passed by. People from all walks of life were united by the remarkable 103-pound wrestler, with athletes, band members, "cool kids", brains and teachers & coaches being amongst them. Everyone was moved by his spirit and shared the same admiration for him. People gravitated towards Daniel due to the genuine nature of his character. He was unapologetic in expressing who he was without fear of judgement, which is a quality not many possess. It's no wonder why they were all drawn to him. Daniel showed his thoughtfulness when he discovered it was my birthday during his freshman year. He put in the effort and made a handmade birthday card, adding even more with a Starburst candy and Wrigley's gum taped to the inside. In front of his classmates, Daniel presented me with an idea that changed the definition of cool. He made it trendy to show thoughtfulness, care and kindness which earned him the love and admiration of all his peers. This is how our friendship was formed.

During his second year at the university, Daniel initiated a campaign to get me to date his elder cousin Lia, so we could be related by marriage. He took her to a wrestling match one weekend, where he had 15 cheering family members for support. The evening was a unique experience for the two of them, as there were only about one other person in attendance. It was an unforgettable night. Daniel was furious when he arrived to school on Monday after his wrestling match the previous weekend. He asked Mr. Ward why he had invited his girlfriend instead of introducing him to his cousin, whom Daniel had brought along. I expressed my surprise to Daniel and reminded him that the girl he was talking about was my younger sister. I also made it clear that I was unaware of his intentions of playing a matchmaker that night. I was truly delighted to hear praise for my teaching skills.

For a long time, I have been communicating a message of love and being loved to the world, and it has been making a difference. Although I have gained experience through my practice of shouting commands for an NFL football field, I had also been consistently delivering my own message of love. I have always been a moderate football player, never being too aggressive or tough. I'm also quite collected when it comes to interacting with my teammates and students, not once having raised my voice at them. Some people might think this makes me a doormat, however I don't see it that way. An experienced educator gave me an important piece of advice when I started teaching - to not show any signs of pleasure in the classroom in my first few months. They said it is best to wait until the students have gotten used to my presence before I start smiling. I'm usually seen as demanding, but I prefer to approach teaching with a friendly attitude. My thought is that it creates an environment which facilitates learning better than strictness. In my opinion, the strongest individual in any situation is not necessarily the most physically impressive person, but rather the one who demonstrates love and understanding. This might not always be easy and require a certain level of courage and thoughtfulness; however it is by far the most admirable trait that a person can have. Football has always been a favorite of mine since it combines a team mindset with athleticism and camaraderie. It is truly one of the greatest team sports out there. Football is more than just a game; it's also about creating relationships and connections with fellow players. When out on the field, everyone works together to protect and defend one another and celebrate each other's successes. Those connections can be just as meaningful as any reward that comes with playing the game. And just like football, love is something which requires collective effort from everyone. We all need to come together and put in our best to make love grow & spread everywhere. Working in harmony as a team allows us to express our emotions better & create more meaningful relationships. Daniel was undeniably an invaluable member of the team. He just never got to celebrate his many successes in life, such as getting the chance to dance at a junior prom or do an end zone dance. This is because unfortunately, Daniel's life was cut short much too soon.

During Daniel's junior year one night in February, he was helping his wrestling teammates roll up the mats when he suddenly experienced excruciating pain and collapsed on the spot. Daniel's diagnosis of an aortic aneurysm was not good news. Despite medical attention, he unfortunately passed away the following morning in hospital. It was a truly heartbreaking experience for his family & friends. Today marks the 12th anniversary of February 7th, 2002. It's quite serendipitous that I have the chance to tell you Daniel's story on this special day. Daniel is like a lighthouse for me. He lends a guiding light when times are tough and the waters become choppy. His presence is akin to a beacon of comfort that signals my way back home even during the most difficult of times. On the night following his passing, I visited Daniel's family with several other teachers from our school. This was a gesture of solace, brought on by Daniel having graciously invited me to his home prior. When we arrived, Daniel's cousin Lia warmly welcomed us and expressed her gratitude at our presence during this difficult time. I identified myself as Daniel's theology teacher and she responded with a joke - "Oh, you're the one that Daniel wanted me to marry!" Suddenly, I found myself in the presence of Lia and her mother, reminiscing about Daniel and viewing pictures. It was almost as if an illuminating light had been switched on.

It was a very challenging period for both of us. However, this difficult time enabled me to recognize the same enthusiasm and vigor that Lia and Daniel shared. I wish Daniel had the opportunity to witness our introduction. As I was riding home one night, I fondly remembered my last encounter with Daniel. He had come to visit my class and as usual, he entered without making a sound. This had happened several times before. As we conversed with one another, we inadvertently bumped our shoulders into each other due to the fact that we were both standing at a similar height. I presented him to my class as a remarkably competitive 103 pound wrestler. The younger students were in awe when they saw him; despite his smaller size, he had an incredibly strong presence and filled the room with positive vibes. As he was leaving the classroom that morning, Daniel gave Mr. Ward a friendly farewell with the phrase "See you around". He gave it a casual and yet confident tone which was characteristic of his personality. Daniel passed away prematurely in the morning. After a few weeks had gone by, I thought I caught a glimpse of him at school. The student had their back to me and resembled Daniel, giving me the impression that he had somehow returned. For a brief moment, I truly believed it was actually him. As the student rose from their seat, I realized that it wasn't Daniel. However, I understood the underlying message - the same unconditional love and light that was within Daniel, could be found in every person and thing. In my journey to find Daniel, I realized that love is found in every person and every thing. At a crucial juncture in life, I even uncovered my own capacity for love. His words "see you around" have since been vindicated since we all carry the same capacity for love within us. I want my students to know that each and every one of them are deserving of love & inclusion regardless of their imperfections. Everyone has something special about themselves and they should be proud of who they are & the goodness within them. Allowing yourself to experience love opens you up to more possibilities, and you can start noticing it in your everyday life. This could bring about a feeling of peace, freedom and truth, which will ultimately change how you perceive the world around you.

Reflect on this. Making just a small adjustment in your physical location can completely alter your perspective. And the same holds true for matters of the heart - little shifts can make a world of difference in how you experience love. Opening up our hearts to love and being loved without any expectations can give our relationships more purpose and bring more joy & fulfillment into our lives. Making this effort can make a lasting positive impact on us. I would like you to imagine the sun again, so please close your eyes. Visualize its warmth and brightness in your mind. In his words, Anthony de Mello conveys a strong message about the power of unconditional love. He asks if the sun has ever said to the earth: "you owe me". Therefore, he is implying that love should be given without expecting anything in return. Have you thought about that special someone in your life who can benefit from such an affection? Imagine that person now and bask in the warmth of pure love. The lighthouse is a beacon of guidance and hope – it helps sailors and boaters get back home safely. Is there someone in your life who needs a bit of direction or aid? Visualize that person in your mind and consider how you can help them. To round it off, imagine a spinning disco ball. Daniel felt liberated to be his authentic self as he had affection for himself regardless of any conditions. We all have the power to spread love and joy in our home environment and by doing so we can freely express ourselves without worrying about people judging us. Have you been putting off something that could bring you joy and contentment? Why not take the first step now and allow yourself to have a larger perspective of your life. Regain awareness by opening your eyes, take a deep breath, and be gentle with yourself. Smile often too!

After the death of Daniel twelve years back, I finally took his cousin Lia out on a date in his memory. We shared many conversations during that time and four years later, I was blessed with the opportunity to marry her. Everyday, Lia illuminates my world with her presence and now she is an amazing mother of two boys. She is my sunshine, always providing a sense of warmth and love. John Daniel, who affectionately goes by J.D., is our eldest child and almost three years old. He loves to dance and is always the life of the party - a true little disco ball! Recently, our family welcomed a new member in the form of our 12-week old son, Casey Christian. He's been a source of joy and hope in our lives and we affectionately refer to him as our little lighthouse. Whenever someone inquires to Lia about the chances of her boys playing football in the National Football League (NFL) like their father, she responds with a cautiously optimistic "Maybe". Our heartfelt prayer is for them to experience love and be reciprocated with the same level of affection. Much appreciation for our audience's kind gesture.

See also: https://mygodsentangels.com/

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