On Healthy Relationships 22

On Healthy Relationships 22

Chi Nguyen ·

Imagine having the means at your disposal, with help from an expert, to magnetically draw in your ideal romantic partner. With the right tools, you can realize this picture-perfect goal and make your new relationship a reality. Hang on tight as I share with you a romantic tale; lean in close and hear the story that I have to tell! I have been divorced since 2001 but by now I am ready to start afresh with the dating scene. Trying something new, I decided to join Match.com – an online dating site which connects people who share similar interests. And then, I recently met some amazing people and they dropped some exciting marriage proposals. Even though I was ready to give up, a really attractive guy suddenly messaged me, saying "Hey there! Take a look at my profile and let us connect. I enjoyed your profile. Sincerely Mr. X". Mr. X caught my eye and I liked what he had to say, so we exchanged numbers that evening. The next day we met up at Starbucks for coffee and conversation; soon enough, our talking grew into a deeper connection and we started dating for multiple months. This same guy, whom just days before I had swiped left on his profile, did not quite resonate with me. I am not entirely sure why, but I chose to follow my gut feeling and overlook it. You know that little voice inside us that some of us call our intuition or even our conscience? After my divorce, I had that little voice in my head telling me it was not the right decision to get into a new relationship. But despite this, I chose to ignore it and enter another relationship anyway. The absence of clarity was at the center of the issue. No matter what other factors were considered, it was this unavoidable deficiency which had to be resolved in order for progress to be made. I had no knowledge of what constituted my boundaries, non-negotiables, and values. I was unaware of the distinctions each held and where my personal lines had been drawn. Mr. X was significantly better than my ex-husband in so many ways. My ex showed almost no interest in increasing our emotional closeness or exchanging vulnerable moments together. But Mr. X was very different. He treated me wonderfully and fostered a connection between us that proved to be healthier, warmer, and more intimate overall.

I want to ask you a question: how many of you have stayed with someone simply because they treated you better than your last partner? I struggled because of my attempts to do something that, in the end, I could not achieve. Regardless of how hard I tried, there was an obstacle blocking me from completing what I had set out to do. The number one reason why people often struggle, when talking to friends, family, or clients, is because communication can be difficult; followed by the second most important cause of conflict, time management. We often dive headfirst into relationships, resulting in shallow surface-level associations. These associations flounder and end up breaking apart, only leading to emotional turmoil and discontentedness. Consequently, many couples face divorce. Clarity is the key when trying to attract your perfect partner. Being clear in communication and action can be the difference between finding an ideal match or someone who just doesn't fit. Knowing what you want and taking steps towards it with clarity will ensure you can find and maintain a relationship built on understanding and trust. In order to achieve clarity and gain a better understanding of what you want, remove any obstacles or unnecessary details that stand in your way so you can successfully move forward. Having a clear goal in mind is essential for success and meeting your intended destination. Knowing precisely what you wish to achieve and where you want to go can be immensely helpful in reaching your desired outcome. Understanding our goals and values is a key part of achieving clarity. To this end, important questions need to be asked that can help guide us forward, such as: What are my boundaries? How are my values being expressed? Which issues carry non-negotiable importance for me? I still want my partner to communicate with me in different ways, but what do I need in order for us to have a better relationship? To feel more loved, I need to know and understand my own "love language", as well as what specific things help me feel special and appreciated.

Before you take the plunge and swipe through those intriguing dating profiles or set your next date up, I encourage you to stop and ask yourself some questions. Even if you are involved in a long-term relationship, taking a moment for introspection and self-reflection can be beneficial. Ten years ago I met my husband, Mr. X; now, a decade later we are still together and very happily married. I am a woman full of sadness, unhappiness, and an overall sense of unfulfillment. I have become the kind of person who always agrees to all the requests made by my loved ones, unfortunately. My wellbeing is now dependent on just one person, my husband; if he's happy, so am I; conversely, if he is unhappy I also take it upon myself and feel down. I'm feeling grief-stricken and hopeless - it's simply not okay for me to continue on like this. It's time for an alteration; some kind of drastic transformation has to take place. I feel stuck and like I'm struggling, playing a role of the victim. However, I need to empower myself and make a change. When I'm feeling lost, I do what a lot of people do: reach out to get help, talk to trusted mentors and search within myself for answers. I embarked on a journey of inner discovery in search of myself. By investing time reading and listening to self-help books, plus a considerable amount of funds towards numerous self-improvement programs, I obtained guidance from respected professionals like Abraham Hicks and Eckhart Tolle, alongside with the renowned Brené Brown. Though each element was stunningly integral to my recovery journey, I found the threads of the process were not accessible from within myself. Still, seeking out an array of outside outlets like counseling, books, movements and conversations proved to be relieving and inspiring with time. Right here inside of my heart and within myself, I was able to finally find the answer that I had been seeking. It was right there all along.

When I saw the bigger picture, my entire outlook shifted. Everything was not quite the same afterwards, as there had been a dramatic transformation of my perception. I took a moment to truly acknowledge the fact that I am the one who determines my own path and decided who I surround myself with. It dawned on me that I am the architect of my own world, free to make choices and take charge. It was a process of self-reflection that made me arrive at this huge aha moment, by helping me to answer this important question "How did I get here?" I needed to give myself an honest assessment of all my mistakes, learn from where I’d gone wrong, and focus on my own improvement instead of relying on someone else if I was ever going to move forward. The desired result was to alter my current situation and move towards a different perspective. I chose to reconfigure things in order to transition into a new outlook. Shifting approaches helped me restructure the arrangement and adjust accordingly, thus allowing me to effect desired change. No more doing the bidding of fate, I chose to take the lead and revel in my victory over victimhood. Now, I am boldly moving onward and soaring in triumph. With every step comes incomparable courage as I'm emboldened in freeing myself from the clutches of despair. We often feel scared, uncomfortable and even a bit messily when attempting self-reflection. But how do we face these intense moments? One important way is by asking ourselves the right questions. Once more, these insightful queries can help us stay on our path of self-examination and growth. Do I honor my values, respect my boundaries, and remain steadfast in my non-negotiables? How do I interact with the relationships in my life; am I owning up to both the joys and frustrations they bring? Lastly and of utmost importance, am I fostering self-love adequate enough to promote transformation?

Self-reflection is essential to attract the perfect partner and begin a meaningful connection. Taking the time to look within, highlights areas in need of improvement, brings an awareness to core values, builds understanding and cultivates self-love - all steps that encourage one’s ability to attract their ideal companion. If we don't strive to heal the internal wounds and limitations, it is impossible for us to achieve our relationship goals. We're bound by a bylaw - unless we do our part in removing beliefs that impede growth, we'll continue settling for what's familiar instead of allowing space for something extraordinary. Self-reflection has been a major factor in my recovery and healing process. Reflection allowed me to understand the deeper meaning of my journey, to evaluate the progress I was making. It gave me an opportunity to recognize what was working, what changes needed to be made, and how I could grow. It is now 2018 and I've embraced the woman I am. Loving her makes life so much richer and forward-thinking. Rediscovering my past to help my present and the ambitions of the future has been a powerful journey, which compels me to go back and cherish those memories evermore. I'm putting all my energy into my own life; enjoying, growing and bettering it. I'm also focusing my attention on being the best parent I can for my daughter, aiming to make every moment counted in living an optimum and fulfilling life. One day, this desolate feeling descended upon me. I longed for someone to accompany me on my life journey and share both the intricate moments of adventure and the alignment I was creating with myself. My newly discovered growth as a woman only intensified that desire. Suddenly tears start streaming down my face and I look up, asking for the man that is coming to align with me. I plead for him to be brought to me, that I may be shown the one who has chosen me, who will not just accept but empower the person I have grown into. Wiping away the tears streaming down my cheeks, I remember that by surrendering to the divine path, we will be eventually united. Holding on to this faith and hope, I am comforted knowing that no matter what lies in store for us, we will find our way to each other.

A few months after first meeting, my girlfriend and I decided to take a road trip to Portland. We were having an incredible time full of adventure and made the decision a few days into our stay to venture out and explore its beauty. We're having a terrific evening of dancing and merriment when out of the blue I collide with this enchantingly attractive guy. His enigmatic essence captivates me, and I'm immediately certain that we must have encountered each other in lives passed. We spend an evening together and exchange numbers before he leaves; now our communication can be kept alive. A few days later, I mustered up the bravery to reach out and contact him seeing if he'd extend his stay another couple of days after my girlfriend left home. We have been spending more time together and it always brings me joy. He is someone that I deeply connect with and his character leaves me feeling inspired and full of admiration. This time I'm feeling different; I know that I'm not quite ready for a totally committed relationship just yet. Nonetheless, I'm still ready for something new and special to start forming in my life. I'm aware of my boundaries and what matters to me, so right now I just want to have a good time. Even if there is a possibility that something could happen with a person who lives three thousand miles away from me; I'm content. I found it was incredible we connected, even with the distance of three thousand miles that existed between us in Florida and Portland. We talked over the phone for almost a year-and-a-half before drifting apart. During that time we made some beautiful memories and had wonderful conversations. We aligned our hearts and created this wonderful bond, eventually leading us to a sweet, timeless love. My favorite part of living together is our ability to communicate effectively, even during those difficult conversations which so often come with relationships. We strive to work through our issues from a space of love and understanding, which ultimately allows for self-reflection and the resolution of any disputes. Inspired by my own action, the perfect partner for me attracted me. They were drawn to my genuine intention and this connection, in-turn, provided mutual enchantment. Inspiration fuels our inner passion leading us on a path of action, with the powerful combination ensuring us that any of every of our goals can be reached.

The best way to take inspired action is by asking yourself these two very important questions. Asking these questions can help drive your actions and, ultimately, reach the desired results. I keep myself stuck in believing that I'm not good enough, and nobody wants me because of my perceived flaws. This false limiting belief of "What is wrong with me?" is the first question holding anyone back from having a great relationship. "What should I do to improve?", the second and final question, can easily be answered by any inspired action I can take every time I think about this limited belief to replace it. Identifying the core of the limiting idea and reminding myself that I have the power to change it helps to create a different perspective or way of looking at things. Things like meditation, affirmations, lifestyle changes and diet changes are all types of inspired action. These can help to create positive transformations in our lives. Now I have given you three tools to help you attract the partner of your dreams. It's up to you now to decide how you want to approach this and what steps you'll take next. Do you want to stay where you are now, or will you choose to say "hello" to the dreams, aspirations and relationships that are truly important to you? The choice is yours! Say yes to what your heart desires; seize the moment and embrace what sets your soul alight. Say yes to love, dare to find the one you can truly share it with, for they too have answered your call with a resounding yes. Thank you for saying yes!

See also: https://mygodsentangels.com/

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