On Healthy Relationships 19

On Healthy Relationships 19

Chi Nguyen ·

Relationships are always tricky endeavors; they can be incredibly intricate and challenging to navigate. Fields such as communication, compromise, trust and connection all intersect within the context of relationships, and attempting to balance these components while maintaining a strong bond takes great effort. It is widely accepted that everyone has heard about this particular fact. Most people think the sources of conflict in relationships come down to money, sex, children, employment and domestic responsibilities – like picking up the socks. Some people believe that relationships sometimes fail because they just don't possess the right connection or have shared interests. It's not just an individual nor personal experience; we're all in this together. It involves everyone: you, him, and her. Dealing with a person's complex psychology and behaviors is one of the most difficult things to do in the world. Trying to comprehend another individual's feelings and motivations, while avoiding potential negative reactions, is an exceptionally taxing undertaking. The importance of taking a moment to reflect on any situation cannot be overstated. Thinking deeply and objectively enables us to assess our difficulties, clarify the optimal path forward, and leverage our strengths strategically. Consider the implications carefully - it can illuminate our understanding and contribute to greater outcomes for ourselves and those around us. We come into every new relationship desiring a sense of ease and comfort, yet we all each bring our challenging issues stemming from past experiences. Although we're complex as individuals, by coming together in a trusting and honest way, we can all learn to grow as partners. Between love and work, there is without a doubt a greater level of complexity and effort involved when it comes to matters of the heart.

Our automatic neurobiological reflexes are the primary cause of why this may occur. In simpler terms, let me elaborate further. Put simply, these automatic responses create an instinctual motivation that forms the basis for our behavior. The neocortex, the sophisticated portion of our brain, is composed of the high cortical areas. These regions have been found to play a key role in many processes such as perception, consciousness and cognition. Additionally, research has revealed that higher order cognitive functions are reliant on neuronal communication within these highly-developed regions. Ambassadors, who faithfully deliver and represent your message, purpose, and initiatives with excellence, are an invaluable asset to any organization, especially the human brain. They provide utmost discretion while networking with your key stakeholders and need to be taken care of. For this reason it is critically important to elect the highly cortical neocortex for embassy of our brains. Our ambassadors are wise, calculated yet meticulous in their approach; and yet employing them for undertaking any mental task comes at a high cost. They excel in planning, forecasting, organizing and outlining their thoughts; indeed, they have no problems devising ideas imaginatively. Logic and reason can be compared to ambassadors, acting as representatives for where we stand. They are sources of authority and stability in keeping a level head and discovering the best outcomes. As ambassadors for sound judgement, logic and reason ensure that each decision a person makes is based on facts rather than biased opinion. Subcortical brain regions, or "primitives" as they are sometimes called, are lightning-quick, stored memory based functions that operate automatically and with minimal expenditure of energy. They're engaged with issues of love and sex, while also focusing on threat detection. By using facial recognition, they are able to detect the presence of possible violent people through the analysis of their countenance. Additionally, their voices, movements and gestures are closely monitored in order to find any indicators of aggression. When it comes to fight or flight, thinking that the primitives as beneficial is an asset in and of itself. The primitive way of thinking serves us well, as most of our days nowadays can be navigated without any issues due to its 99% automation. Your ambassadors are eager to experience new things, but they understand the importance of funneling the freshness down for your primitives in order to be efficiently responsible. You can't expect yourself or your ambassadors to handle everything with complete attention and enthusiasm; it's just impossible and would be too taxing. Procedural memory, otherwise known as body memory, is used by primitives to automate certain tasks like riding a bike. It explains how primitives efficiently learn complex skills: initially ambassadors are required for guidance, but eventually the task becomes automated exclusively using primitives. Procedural memory is amazing – it processes and stores information without you even knowing. From tasks such as riding a bike to something as an automatic habit such as turning on a tap - your procedural memory has already categorized and saved the details, allowing you to do it quickly and kind of unconsciously.

When you fall in love with someone, your brain is stimulated with a powerful surge of energy; you receive an insatiable curiosity to find out as much as you can about this person. You yearn for the delicious aroma and succulent succor of them; you can never get enough. Craving their warmth and alluring texture, your longing is evident as you rub, lick, and devour them. Nature has plenty of comforting and energizing drugs, as opposed to those available in the market. You should instead enjoy the empowering effects of these natural forms of intoxication from plants and herbs. A crave for more is ignited through dopamine, concentration and alertness strengthened through noradrenaline, testosterone brings out fierce desires, and serotonin levels register a noteworthy plunge to enable one to stumble upon single-minded perseverance. Neurochemicals have a part to play in addiction, with many people becoming hooked on certain substances. As addiction occurs, cravings arise and the individual is drawn towards engaging in addictive behavior. This is because when pleasure-inducing neurochemicals are released regularly due to the behavior itself, dependence can follow. You will soon get to enjoy the shared experience of exploring each other's personalities as you and your partner get serious and spend weeks, perhaps even months together. Automated patterns of thinking develop over time where both your and their brains are becoming used to having each other around. The brain performs a wide range of functions as it is designed to do, this includes processing and interpreting information in order to support its various processes. This fundamental activity is what allows the brain to function accordingly. With the impression that you already know each other, your relationship might seem smoother at first. However, this can potentially lead to significant blunders as you forget to take into account that every individual is complex and has more sides to them than what is initially seen. Being objective and engaged in every conversation can help prevent unknowingly creating assumptions and mistakes to maintain dynamic relationships. Your relationship is dependent upon utilizing and retrieving memories from your procedural memory, which encompasses everyone and everything that has an emotional significance to you. Using your primitive brain, and accessing those otherwise faulty memories, you can and will gain insight into the thoughts, emotions, and desires of your loved one. You might as well exchange offensive looks and defensive tones with your significant other. Worse yet, you may not even know exactly what you are doing as you are just handling him or her in the heat of the moment. You could always lose your cool head after all. That is the noise of two overly anxious beings, simply a part of natural life. Our bodies' nervous systems naturally respond with a misfiring state when faced with stress or uncertainty. Understanding your automatic brain is essential to prevent any potential problems that may arise. This is especially true when dealing with issues that could be a result of unconscious responses or reactions.

Fighting in a relationship is an unavoidable occurrence. As a couple's therapist, I emphasize it's essential to manage the clashes effectively rather than just accepting that they are inescapable. No matter what the relationship, conflict is bound to occur at some point. Even though it can be uncomfortable or difficult to address these issues, dealing with them as they arise is key for encouraging growth and maintaining a healthy connection. If you habitually shy away from confrontation, it can be misinterpreted as a sign of aggression which will likely put your partner on the defensive. Thus, if you would like to avoid a confrontation with your partner in order to maintain healthier relationships, it is important that you do not adopt an attitude of avoiding conflicts. The real difficulty isn't when tensions spark between the two of you, it's when these arguments lead either one or both people to start threatening to get out of the relationship. A relationship can withstand disputes, but lack of safety and trust will undoubtedly lead to its doom. To maintain the closeness between the two parties it is essential to create a sense of security without which it would be difficult for the relationship to survive. We are prone to errors when it comes to communication, memory and perception. Communication can be misinterpreted, memories lost or altered while perception is often subject to misunderstanding caused by inaccurate information. In short, all of these three functions have a tendency towards mistakes. Human communication is generally poor, even with the best intentions. Even on a day when these interactions are going well, people still experience a lot of difficulty in getting their messages across. We often miscommunicate and, depending on our emotional state, this can feel more or less significant. If we are feeling good, we don't tend to worry about misunderstandings as much; however, if we're not in a positive mood, the same miscommunication can feel much more intense. about misunderstandings as much; however, if we're not in a positive mood, the same miscommunication can feel much more intense. When levels of stress are heightened, communication between humans can become quickly impaired. This oftentimes means relationships suffer greatly and misunderstandings start needlessly occurring.

Memory relies on certain cognitive processes, which can make it less reliable. It is susceptible to alteration due to the lack of control we have over it, creating variables that could distort our recollections. When it comes to memory, all of us make mistakes; often times both sides in a disagreement can be wrong since memory can be rather faulty. Perceptions can distort reality, just like a fun house mirror – twisting, transforming and reflecting images to create an entirely different version of what one sees. Your thoughts, emotions and recollections are regularly changing based on the current state of your mind and how you recall events. Memories are always attempting to pull one over on you. They'll try virtually anything for a few laughs and can be quite creative as they come up with sneaky jokes to have a good time at your expense. Our inclination towards believing that communication, memory and perception constitute the only reality is dangerous hubris. We'd be wise to take due precaution in this regard. I urge you, if you're in an abusive relationship: GET OUT. It is vital to remember this advice and take the necessary steps toward safety and freedom. Every day brings small threats to contend with, just like with big threats: when we bump into each other, we then argue and argue, neither of us relenting. These are the everyday disagreements which we have grown to expect— they may be stressful but they're a staple of our lives. Our fights often spiral out of control because we can't take the time to understand a situation or conflict. In the heat of the moment, when we feel threatened or scared, our primal instincts kick in and cause us to act increasingly rashly. This happens all too quickly and without slowing down to deal with things logically. Our ambassadors have been left perplexed as to how we wound up in this current location, leaving us all to only speculate on a plausible explanation. Such an unfamiliar and mystical situation serves to cause amazement and intrigue! "I'm positive about this alright, and here's the evidence that proves my point: Just take it already!" You might appear quite confident about something, although your lack of knowledge can still make it clear that you truly don't understand what's being discussed.

Ready for this fun part? Here we go! Let's get to the exciting stuff and see where it takes us. We'll dive right into the enjoyable moments and revel in different activities. Enjoying this part of our experience will make these memories last forever. The next time you feel a moment of tension in a relationship, experiment with your own neurobiology by changing your position; go eye-to-eye and face-to-face and observe the change. Fighting a lot in the car isn't recommended either, as it tends to amplify existing tensions. Side-by-side seating triggers a threat response, which can make people more likely to lash out while they drive. To prevent disputes on the road, motorists should also avoid competing attention from phone calls, emails and text messages. Our visual senses act like a regulator for our nervous systems, providing us with the ability of being able to discern one another. Eyes and vision give us the necessary information we need in order to naturally interact with one another. No matter who you are, your past and present experiences, or what kind of trauma has occurred, everyone goes through similar situations at some point in their life. No good or evil is at work here; we all have the potential to cause harm, even unintentionally, by our words or actions. None of us is immune to mistakes in thoughts and communication, nor can we expect to remember and perceive with perfect accuracy. Making the decision to enter into a relationship and a committed one at that requires finding a deep, secure bond where both parties can be in the foxhole together and keep each other safe. Love is undoubtedly necessary in order for these relationships to really work. It's not just about fulfilling our self-interests, achieving objectives, and getting what we want at all times - it also involves listening intently, remaining open-minded and motivating each other to reach our common goals. We're one team, aiming to be there for each other with unwavering support - Our goal is to strengthen ourselves by showing solidarity and having each other's backs. It is essential that couples understand their primary duty to one another: securely preserve and nurture their bond, creating an environment of safety. Unfortunately, though, I've witnessed numerous unions deteriorating or ceasing before they had the chance to blossom - all because this basic understanding wasn't conveyed. The world has always been dangerous, but right now it is especially frightening. No matter what the situation is, danger lurks and causes uncertainly in our lives. We must be supportive and rely on each other. If not us, who will have our backs when we need someone? Thank you for your kindness and best of luck to you with all of your relationships! It couldn't hurt to have a little extra support, so having some understanding from someone else surely goes a long way. Here's wishing you many successful connections and rewarding experiences in the months and years ahead!

See also: https://mygodsentangels.com/

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