On Healthy Relationships 13

On Healthy Relationships 13

Chi Nguyen ·

By raising your hands, how many of you have experienced being in a relationship solely because you thought it was love? Excellent! "You don't deserve me," they had said while breaking up with them. Frankly, the whole thing left them feeling perplexed and confused how on earth they ever managed to fall in love with them in the first place! My clients often come to me, as a relationship coach, with varying degrees of drunkenness - in love. Whether it be wanting better communication, manifesting positive energy within a partnership or being able to recreate the initial spark of attraction, I strive to bring my clients back into one joyous state - in love. One of my clients has been in a relationship with her boyfriend for more than four years, but there is no sign of any stable commitments - like a promise or engagement ring - and shockingly, he is cheating on her. My client wants to know whether she should continue with this relationship or get rid of him. When I asked her "How many times has he cheated on you?", she replied that "At least four times." However, considering this statement further, it's likely to be twice as much, probably around eight times for women. "Do you love him?" she replies, "Yes." Then, they ask her, "Does he love you?" She answers hesitantly, "He says he does...but his cheating proves otherwise."; pausing thereafter to consider further what action would show his true feelings towards her and hers for him in return. If you profess to care deeply for someone, why would you do something to them as hurtful and destructive as cheating four times? The answer is simple - respect their relationship, love, and trust they have placed in you and the answer is emphatically no.

True love requires more than just emotion, it must have action backing it up to have deep, lasting value. Without supportive actions, what appears to be true love might instead be a passing fancy. He may say that he is content with his current relationship, but he betrays her love by engaging in an affair with a married woman; and to make matters worse, they have deep feelings for one another. He finds himself confused and overwhelmed by how he landed himself in this unexplainable situation. Unable to comprehend why this has happened, the man is now unsure of his current standing and can’t work out how he ended up in this scenario. So I tell my client, "You made this trouble for yourself by no longer making your girl your number one priority – you spread out your feelings and attention elsewhere. As a result, the person who used to get all of your love no longer gets it. You are in this mess because of it, but what do you want to do about it now?" The man wishes for the married woman involved in their affair to be savvy and maintain her responsibilities when her husband is near so that he does not uncover the situation and take action against it. He admitted that he still wanted to carry on his affair with the woman, and I was shocked. "Wait a minute!" I exclaimed. "You want to keep having this affair?" He confirmed, "Yes." My reply back is, "I can see how exciting this must be for you, but think of it from your girlfriend's perspective. How would she feel about the decision? Put yourself in her shoes and consider what she might be going through." "You have a boyfriend who claims to be in love with you and expresses that he is content being with you, yet at the same time, he is also going behind your back and getting closer to someone else, thus falling in love with them. Can someone really love two people at the same time?" "That's great," I said, "It sounds like you're loving the situation, just like the McDonald's slogan. No changes, both ladies in your life – you don't want to shake it up?" But my client was firm: he loved and wanted both women in his life.

Love is a powerful emotion. It has the ability to make extraordinary changes, give profound strength and hope, and bring hope for the future. People have freed themselves of hostile regimes, racial discrimination and frightening adversity through its transformative power. Indeed, lovers through history have sought to conquer wars and doubts with this emotional force. Nearly 90% of respondents to a survey argued that love is essential when considering matrimony. However, statistics also indicate that the marriage rates of first marriages stand at 50%, two-time marriages are composed of 67% success rate while dismal 73% constitute third times married couples going through a divorce. Love can be a strong factor influencing people to get married, but it unfortunately does not always hold the marriage or the relationship together. Most couples will require additional elements - such as trust, respect, companionship and communication - to sustain and nurture their bond throughout their relationship. In a break up, love is often implicated - there may have been no love in the relationship to begin with, something greater tore them apart beyond the emotion of love, or perhaps the connection deteriorated naturally over time. When your partner inquires about why you said "I just don't love you right now", specifically when it was over the last piece of pie, you might say understandably, "If you truly loved me, you would have let me have it." Absolutely nothing - not even the biggest conflict - is bigger than love in a strong relationship. Love has the power to overcome all other potential obstacles, thus leaving room for nothing that can break the bond between two people who are truly committed to each other.

Today, I want to discuss true love. This is a concept that is simple yet complicated at the same time--despite its simplicity some of us can struggle to understand what genuine love involves. We may grapple with finding lasting affection, learning how to accept love as well as how to give it without conditions or strings attached. Romantic love, familial love, friendship and platonic love are all various types of affection that can be found in life. From the intense desire of romantic couples to the strong connections between family members and caring friendship bonds between friends, different types of love can take countless forms. You most commonly experience philia love, a unique type of bond known as brotherly love. This is the kind of relationship you share with your relatives, friends, and workmates. Eros is a passionate expression of love that produces intense feelings of lust and physical desire. This type of romantic affection evokes powerful sensations of arousal and sensuality in both parties involved. When you spot someone absolutely gorgeous and alluring walking by, it's hard to maintain composure - your throat forms a wordless hum and all you can do is stare. It's an uncontrollable feeling that creates an indescribable sensation in your heart. You start to drift away dreaming of that individual, sparking a creative imagination and enthusiasm with your feelings. This is an intimate demonstration of Eros type of love. "Real Love" is a song by Mary J. Blige where she expresses her desire to find someone who can give her a kind of love that truly touch her heart and soul. Despite its popularity, however, we still grapple with understanding the depth of this definition of "real love", though I still like to think that the song is a good clue of ours for addressing the matter. Relationships require more than just emotion and passion - either Philia, Eros, or real love alone is not enough for any connection to stand the test of time. The different types of love, be it quality time or physical intimacy, can only bring two people closer together, but are insufficient in sustaining a lasting bond. And then there is true love, which the Bible calls agape love, has a precious power of enduring through the highs and lows of a relationship. This steadfastness that comes from such affection is what enables us to hold on in both good times and bad times.

True love is a deeply emotional and intensely passionate kind of love that binds two people together. It is unconditional, accepting of the individual, and is seen as a force in itself. It provides the strength to persist in even difficult times, allowing two hearts to bond together for all eternity. Passionate love is an intense feeling that connects two people deeply and strongly. It is a union of feelings and emotions like no other, one that can't be simply quantified into words or tangible concepts. It surpasses all forms of conventional love and provides an enlightened bond shared between those it unites. Passion is an energy that fuels the adoration one has for something; it propels love forward like an engine. Immobile without such power, a lifeless state would overtake a relationship. It is akin to having a car without its driving forces of gas and an engine; it cannot take you anywhere without far reaching passion in the equation. If you're ever uncertain whether someone truly loves you, or if indeed you love them, there is one surefire way to measure it – sacrifice. True love requires both parties giving up something for the benefit of each other without expectation of anything in return, and this is the purest indicator of true love. Showing love and devotion through sacrifice is how we demonstrate our commitment to one another. After all, sacrifice means striving to give up something of value, be it material things or time, for something greater or more meaningful. Giving up something for someone you care about is, in a way, like relinquishing that slice of pie; not for nothing else except for the chance to hold onto something far more valuable. It's making an exchange where you're exchanging one thing you possess for another that has far more meaning and value to you. God's immense love was demonstrated when He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die on our behalf. This sacrificial offering shows us that even the highest price would not be too great to demonstrate how much God values us and desires a real relationship with us. God’s overflowing love for the world inspired His ultimate act of selfless sacrifice: He gave His one and only Son, so that every one who puts their faith in Him will attain eternal life and never face destruction. In this process, God revealed his pure and passionate "agape love" for all of humanity.

I was presented with a chance to show my true inclination of affection. I found it rewarding to pull people together for socializing opportunities while in college, so I threw parties as an effective way of achieving this purpose. If you know anything about hosting a good party, there's one key thing to keep in mind – the more female guests you invite, the more male guests- and their money - will come flooding in. This can range from purchasing drinks at the bar, to buying entire bottles of whatever they enjoy. My aim is to get as many women possible at every gathering, no matter what its type be. Making sure that there is a strong presence of the ladies whenever a party or similar event is held among us, remains my highest priority. This would provide me with an opportunity to have female companionship that is constantly available. After throwing a party, I remembered three women who hadn't even met each other requesting if they could spend the night at my place. The first one wakes up and starts to feed me breakfast while the second one, feeling jealous, soon follows into the kitchen and also begins to dish up. The third one watches all this then pauses for a moment. "Should I join in?" they quietly ask before joining the happily bustling party. I'm telling myself this cannot be real; "It's all a dream." But it is indeed reality. I was living a life completely revolving around pleasure and grandeur, just like Hugh Hefner surrounded by his bunnies. However, that escalated when I found the love of my life, a girl that reciprocated it with unwavering affection towards me. Although she understands my lifestyle, she doesn't approve of it. She wants to have a relationship with me without feeling like she has to compete with other women. This change in dynamics is a issue of great significance to her, leaving me perplexed as it means that I need to refrain myself from being involved in entertaining and socializing with any other woman if I am wanting to hold on to the relationship. I am currently trying to assess what the best course of action is - should I opt for her instead of them, or choose them in preference to her? Examining the various options, I must determine which outcome would be best in this situation. This is my moment of determination where I understand the importance of love and sacrifice - it's what led me towards making my choice. I gave up carefree activities, like hosting parties and spending time with other women, in favor or putting all my energy into sustaining a relationship with someone I truly care for. A few years later, our love blossomed into a beautiful journey of marriage and family life as we tied the knot, blessed with two amazing children created through our unwavering bond and commitment. True love is the only kind that can maintain a relationship. Showing your immense commitment to each other means sacrificing demeaning games, ending harmful behaviors and submitting yourself to coaching when possible; it will arm you with the essential tools and insight needed to sustain a prosperous relationship. I wrote my book, "Searching for and Sustaining Relationships," in order to address the common difficulties that many people are dealing with in terms of relationship issues. I urge all of you to strive for the utmost level of affection and connection in your relationships. Here's to your growth and strengthened bonds!

See also: https://mygodsentangels.com/

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