On Healthy Relationships 127

On Healthy Relationships 127

Chi Nguyen ·

Dear everyone, I kindly request your assistance in my current situation. I would greatly appreciate it if you could support me by posing for a moment, allowing me to capture a photo for my Snapchat story. Once I have selected a suitable filter, I will promptly upload the image. Your cooperation is highly valued. Thank you in advance. Now allow me to recount the narrative. During the entirety of the previous summer, I resided in India, where regrettably, I lacked any means of accessing the Internet. Absent this connectivity, I savored delightful moments with my cousins and grandparents, albeit at the cost of severing communication ties with my friends. Furthermore, the cherished streaks I had nurtured on Snapchat were irreversibly discontinued. For individuals who are not familiar with Snapchat, it is essentially a mobile application that facilitates image-based communication between users. A Snapchat streak, on the other hand, refers to a numerical indicator displayed alongside the name of an individual with whom one regularly exchanges photos or images within a 24-hour timeframe. The aforementioned numerical value exhibits a positive correlation with the duration of time during which both parties have exchanged snap messages with each other. However, in the event that one party neglects to dispatch a snap or completely abstains from sending one within a 24-hour period, both the newly acquired streak and the connection between the friends are forfeited, thereby necessitating a restart. Due to the extensive practice of maintaining numerous Snapchat streaks, many users have found it increasingly convenient to expedite this process on a daily basis by simply transmitting a plain black screen to all individuals with whom they have active streaks.


Returning to my narrative, on the inaugural day of school, I experienced a profound sense of anticipation as I eagerly anticipated acquainting myself with fellow students. Of particular interest was my dearest companion, with whom I had not engaged in any form of communication nor had the pleasure of encountering for a period of two months. However, shortly after commencing the academic year, I began to perceive that my closest companion had formed acquaintances with another social circle. Consequently, I experienced a growing sense of detachment, as it seemed apparent that she no longer harbored a genuine desire to engage in conversation with me. The aforementioned occurrence transpired as a consequence of our failure to engage in text-based communication for a duration of two months, during which she prioritized messaging other individuals over me, thereby establishing them as her closest confidants. She was rather perturbed by the fact that I inadvertently broke a hundred-day Snapchat streak that we had diligently maintained. At this juncture, I began to comprehend that our friendship primarily revolved around the exchange of black screens over a span of one hundred days, with the sole purpose of maintaining an ongoing streak.


Allow me to provide you with an illustrative instance of the nature of our discourse. Suppose, for instance, that on a Sunday morning, I awakened at approximately 10:00 a.m. Subsequently, I transmitted a message to her through a certain social media platform. After several hours had elapsed, she accessed my message and responded accordingly. The ensuing morning, upon awakening, my primary course of action entailed inspecting my mobile device, whereby I elected to offer a reply. Perhaps growing weary of our exchange, she resolved to introduce a degree of variability into our conversation by responding with a distinct message. Regrettably, this particular exchange essentially constituted the sole instance of substantial communication between us over the span of one hundred days. Additionally, I have come to recognize that our previous social gatherings primarily consisted of extensive photo-taking for the purpose of posting on Instagram, as well as engaging in text conversations with our mutual acquaintances to convey the extent of enjoyment we were experiencing. Instagram is an esteemed social media platform wherein individuals partake in the sharing of visual content, such as photographs and videos, amongst their network of followers. The followers are individuals who possess the capability to observe and express approval towards the photographs shared by the individuals who engage in posting them. Upon realizing that my closest companion and I dedicated a significant amount of time to capturing photographs, deliberating on which ones to share, and subsequently monitoring the number of likes received by each image, I was genuinely taken aback. Despite our constant togetherness, it became apparent that we possessed a limited understanding of one another.


Upon conducting extensive research on the matter at hand, I discovered that my personal experience was not an isolated case, as there existed a cohort of adolescents facing analogous circumstances. According to an article published by Business Insider, streaks can be considered as evidence of a genuine friendship. Peter Santa Anna, an 18-year-old resident of Honolulu, asserted that the forfeiture of one's streak inevitably leads to the forfeiture of one's friendship. Katie Clark, a fellow adolescent, conveyed to Business Insider that maintaining streaks on Snapchat cultivates a heightened sense of camaraderie among individuals. The duration of a snap streak is indicative of the strength of the friendship, with longer streaks denoting a closer bond between friends. A third peer of mine, who is also a sophomore at DAA, informed me that I possess a total of 21 ongoing connections. However, I engage in regular conversations with only a select few among them. Upon conducting further investigation, I encountered an article authored by Virginia Tech University wherein Shalini Mishra, the leader of the aforementioned research team, expressed that mobile technologies possess the capability to divert individuals from engaging in face-to-face interactions, thereby potentially compromising the quality and nature of such connections, even in the absence of active usage.


I am confident that I have comprehensively grasped this matter, prompting me to articulate my reflections on the subject of meaningful and superficial relationships, as well as the profound influence exerted by social media on friendships. Applications such as social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram present a commendable means of maintaining communication with acquaintances, friends, and one's extended familial network. Excessive reliance on these sources of connection may result in individuals, particularly adolescents, inadvertently cultivating relationships devoid of purpose or significance. Allow me to provide several instances of superficial relationships. For instance, there are cases where individuals maintain a hundred-day streak, signifying a connection, but in reality, they are merely acquaintances. Conversely, true best friends may not possess a streak, indicating that their bond transcends such superficial measures. Furthermore, I have come across anecdotes wherein teenagers become distraught and shed tears due to the loss of a streak with a high numerical value, or when all their streaks are terminated. At times, individuals may transition away from Snapchat, choosing to establish friendships solely based on the visually pleasing nature of the photos posted on Instagram, rather than considering the individual's holistic personality traits. Consequently, factors such as humor, kindness, and intelligence are disregarded. I perceive this trend as a significant predicament.


Why then do many individuals place such a high value on text messaging? What accounts for its addictive nature and why is it regarded as superior to verbal communication? Text messaging triggers the release of a neurotransmitter known as dopamine, which is commonly referred to as the "pleasure chemical." This neurotransmitter induces feelings of happiness and contentment. Interestingly, the same neurotransmitter is also released when individuals experience the sensation of falling in love, as suggested by Fisher and colleagues. Consequently, the addictive nature of texting can be attributed to the significant pleasure it provides, owing to the activation of the dopamine system. According to an article by the Huffington Post, there exists a prevalent perception among numerous teenagers that verbal communication is primarily associated with older individuals, while texting is regarded as a more expedient and efficient means of communication. Due to the following reasons, individuals often find themselves developing a dependency on texting and social media platforms, consequently compromising their relationships and cultivating superficial friendships rather than meaningful connections. When referring to a "meaningful relationship," I am essentially alluding to a unique and profound bond that can only be experienced with a select few individuals, such as one's closest friends or best friend. I would like to present a series of inquiries derived from an online publication known as Elite Daily. If your response to each of these inquiries is unequivocally affirmative, it can be concluded that you and your acquaintances undeniably possess a profound and significant connection with one another. The following queries arise: During your social interactions, do you primarily engage in activities or engage in discussions of substance? Are you at ease when requesting assistance from these individuals, and can you rely on their genuine aid? How often do you engage in dialogue with them, beyond sporadic encounters occurring merely a few times within a given year? Would you perceive your level of intimacy with this individual as surpassing that which you share with all other individuals you engage with? Lastly, does in-person interaction constitute your primary mode of communication?


If your response was negative or even uncertain, presented below are several strategies to enhance the significance of your relationship. Firstly, it is advisable to refrain from bringing your mobile phone to social gatherings. By deliberately leaving your phone behind, you eliminate any potential excuses that may arise to justify its presence. Opting to meet at a private residence can help mitigate communication challenges, ensuring that the focus remains on interpersonal connections rather than digital distractions. Additionally, consider carrying a Polaroid camera to capture moments instead of relying on your phone for photography. Should the need to communicate with others arise, employ a landline telephone available at your friend's residence to contact your driver or inform your parents when they arrive to collect you. Implementing these measures will enable you to genuinely relish in the company of your friends, unburdened by the constant presence of a smartphone; your smartphone to be exact. If completely abstaining from phone usage proves to be excessively challenging, an alternative approach is to proceed incrementally. Begin by establishing a specific time constraint for phone usage when spending time with friends. Moreover, fostering mutual support among one another in adhering to this endeavor can prove beneficial. A third approach to involving oneself in alternative activities entails engaging in pursuits such as cooking, baking, taking walks, or jogging together. These activities should deliberately exclude the use of mobile devices or any other social media applications. By doing so, individuals can enhance their personal experiences and create lasting memories with their companions. It is crucial to consider the possibility that the sole recollection of spending time with a friend may otherwise be limited to moments when both parties were preoccupied with their respective devices. Method number four entails relinquishing all streaks maintained solely for the purpose of preserving a streak, rather than fostering genuine friendship or meaningful conversation. It is imperative to introspect and determine whether one genuinely comprehends the individual with whom the highest streaks are maintained, as well as assess the desirability of establishing a connection with someone devoid of shared streaks. Lastly, the fifth approach entails enhancing your familiarity with your friends. By "getting to know them," I do not imply engaging in social media stalking, assessing their most flattering photo angles, or determining the timing of their streaks. While such knowledge may have its merits, it is crucial to delve deeper. Develop a more profound understanding of their family, their preferences and aversions, as well as their favored recreational activities.


In today's hyper-connected world, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. From sharing photos and updates to connecting with friends and family, it has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact. However, with the increasing use of social media, there has been a growing concern about its impact on our relationships. This blog post delves into the effects of social media on relationships, exploring both the positive and negative aspects and providing some insights into maintaining a healthy balance. Please note that these recommendations serve as the foundational elements for nurturing a relationship and cannot be achieved instantaneously. Their implementation requires a significant amount of time. However, if you and your acquaintances genuinely dedicate yourselves to adhering to these suggestions for a minimum of one to two months, you will undoubtedly establish a habit of following them consistently. Consequently, it is anticipated that your relationship will acquire greater depth and meaning. In general, it is deemed acceptable to utilize applications such as Snapchat and Instagram. However, it is crucial to exercise caution with excessive dependence on these platforms, as it has the potential to negatively impact interpersonal relationships, particularly friendships. Furthermore, excessive use of social media can lead to decreased quality time spent together. Couples may find themselves absorbed in their screens, neglecting face-to-face interactions and meaningful conversations. This detachment from real-life experiences can hinder emotional intimacy and erode the foundation of a healthy relationship. Social media undoubtedly has a profound impact on relationships, both positive and negative. While it can bridge distances, enhance communication, and facilitate new connections, it also has the potential to create insecurity, mistrust, and a sense of disconnection. But by modifying one's behaviors in the present moment, it is always possible to prevent the usurpation of one's life by social media platforms prior to reaching an irreparable stage. We express our gratitude for both your immediate and gradual attention to this matter.

See also: https://mygodsentangels.com/

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