On Healthy Relationships 125

On Healthy Relationships 125

Chi Nguyen ·

The precise future state of the world, be it 30, 20, or even 10 years hence, remains largely uncertain and beyond our current comprehension. If history repeats itself, as it often does, it is inevitable that at some point in the future, an individual will analyze the manner in which we have elected to structure our society. It is plausible that many of our prevailing social norms in contemporary times will be regarded as absurd relics of the past. I would like to take a moment to contemplate our world and the society we have constructed, and engage in a discussion regarding its various aspects. What perspectives or insights would you care to contribute on this matter? I would be delighted to address the topics of religion, politics, music, or sports with all of you present. However, regrettably, I must confess that I lack expertise in any of these areas. This fact is evident to anyone who has observed my attempt at executing a jump shot.

Now, I have made the decision to undertake a comprehensive analysis of the world through the lens of a teenager. My objective is to identify a singular problem or issue that, if addressed appropriately, has the potential to bring about a transformative change on a global scale. Undoubtedly, this undertaking is a substantial task. Therefore, the question arises: where should I commence this endeavor? I sought the counsel of a reliable acquaintance, one who has consistently proven their support and wisdom over the years. Drawing upon a vast reserve of knowledge, I consulted the renowned search engine, Google. With remarkable speed, I conducted a search for the most prevalent issues afflicting adolescents, and in a mere fraction of a second, I was inundated with over 16 million outcomes. Among the plethora of articles that materialized, I encountered comprehensive analyses of the principal challenges encountered by teenagers, encompassing a wide range of topics, such as the foremost concerns in adolescent life and the obstacles unique to this phase of human development. I promptly discovered that matters such as self-esteem, self-belief, and a deficiency in self-fulfillment constituted some of the more significant challenges. It should not be unexpected that adolescents can experience insecurity; however, an intriguing observation I made was that many teenagers are excessively insecure to openly discuss their aspirations. Numerous young individuals do not feel at ease articulating their envisioned personal identities.

Initially, I lacked comprehension; however, I swiftly recollected a discussion that transpired during a familial gathering at the breakfast table in London. During a particular summer, my parents engaged in a conversation concerning my attitude towards school. In response, I conveyed to them that my Grade Point Average (GPA) is satisfactory, and I undertake academically demanding courses, as evidenced by my impressive transcript. These were the customary, rehearsed replies I typically provided. However, my parents perceived that my predicament did not lie in my academic performance or the caliber of my work, but rather in my lack of enthusiasm for the courses I was undertaking. They possessed an aspiration for me to genuinely enjoy attending school, and I comprehended their perspective entirely. One significant motive behind my decision to attend school, akin to numerous adolescents, resided in the acquisition of Advanced Placement (AP) credits and the cultivation of an impressive academic transcript. At this juncture of our discussion, my father inquired about my long-term aspirations and asked me to elucidate on my envisioned career path 15 years hence. Without wavering, I reiterated the same response that I have espoused since my fifth-grade years: my aspirations lie in becoming a lawyer. However, at this juncture, my sister suddenly erupts into laughter. I am perplexed as to what might be the source of her amusement, considering that I have reiterated my intention to pursue a career in law on numerous occasions, perhaps a hundred thousand times. What sets this particular instance apart from the rest, prompting her uncontrollable laughter? Once she regains her composure, my parents inquire about the cause of her amusement. She responds, stating that I am too ashamed to admit it to them, as I harbor a preference for a career as a rapper instead.

At this juncture, I found myself becoming flushed as my countenance reddened. Never had I experienced my sister causing me such embarrassment, and the ensuing conversation persisted as my father proceeded to pose a different query. He inquired, "Allow me to ask you a divergent question: What would you envisage yourself doing in fifteen years' time, if you possessed the ability to engage in any pursuit imaginable?" A pause ensued, for this was an unprecedented inquiry directed at me. Up until that moment, I had never contemplated such a notion. To a large extent, I knew what I did not desire for my future. I harbored an aversion toward unhappiness and financial struggles, and perhaps, above all, I yearned to experience a profound sense of significance. Formulating an answer to this question proved arduous, as it differed substantially from the commonplace query of "What do you aspire to do in the future?" Instead, it entailed an entirely hypothetical scenario wherein I had the opportunity to explore any conceivable avenue. Consequently, I embarked upon a contemplation of personal significance, vowing not to permit external validation or quantification of my worth through monetary wealth, social media connections, or academic achievements. My desire was to align with my own discernment of significance and strive towards the realization of the significance I envision. In a world inhabited by seven billion individuals, establishing a distinguished reputation can prove daunting. Nonetheless, I recognized that I was not alone in grappling with my aspirations, which leads me to the focal point of my discourse.

Ladies and gentlemen, I firmly assert that we exist in a contemporary society where it has become customary for us to embrace the notion that an individual's aspirations are unattainable, irrational, or impractical merely due to the opinions of others. However, this viewpoint does not derive from my personal experience at Google. In fact, over the recent months, I have diligently engaged in research to discern the perspectives of adolescents regarding their objectives, aspirations, future prospects, and the existential purpose of our individual lives. The initial step I undertook was to establish a targeted audience. It was imperative for my research to encompass a broad spectrum of diversity, thereby enhancing the credibility of my findings. Specifically, I sought to engage individuals spanning various age groups, encompassing diverse religious affiliations, and originating from a multitude of countries with varying cultural backgrounds. Eventually, I had the opportunity to survey a considerable number of adolescents from various regions across the globe. It was crucial to determine the type of inquiries I would pose to them. Therefore, I opted to commence with the two questions that fundamentally altered my mindset. I distinctly recall the moment during a breakfast discussion when I first broached these questions. The initial query aimed to explore their envisioned aspirations and objectives 15 years hence. Interestingly, eight percent of the participants expressed uncertainty about their future endeavors, while a significant majority of 78 percent found themselves contemplating one of three occupational paths: doctor, lawyer, or engineer.

Intrigued by this response, I made a conscious effort to record the names of all those aspiring to become lawyers, recognizing the potential value of such information. However, jesting aside, my initial reaction to the 78 percent figure was one of skepticism. Three professions seemed disproportionately favored. Yet, I swiftly recollected my own declaration in fifth grade, when I proclaimed my desire to pursue a career in law. Despite my limited knowledge of the legal field at the time, the proclamation garnered positive reactions and engendered a sense of personal fulfillment. The prospect of becoming a lawyer captivated me, and I realized that articulation played a pivotal role in shaping my aspirations. This led me to ponder the underlying causes for such a high percentage of individuals gravitating toward these three specific occupations. With numerous respectable professions available, why did people feel compelled to confine themselves to this limited selection? My hypothesis revolves around the societal norms that have been established. Our collective consciousness has imbued certain occupations with heightened significance, and as children or young adults, we instinctively internalize the belief that these particular vocations should be the object of our ambitions.

I recall a fond memory from my childhood, when I was approximately seven or eight years old. During that time, I encountered a captivating game known to many as "The Game of Life." It was a recreation of the classical game, and my affinity for it was immense. Not only did I thoroughly enjoy playing it, but I also found its resemblance to real life quite intriguing. Similar to our existence, the game presented a constantly fluctuating status for each player. My cousins and I would frequently engage in this game, and it held a special place in my heart. My admiration for it did not solely stem from my consistent victories; rather, it was primarily due to the dynamic nature of the game, reflecting the ever-changing nature of our own lives. Numerous strategies could lead to triumph in this game, but the simplest approach involved procreating abundantly, promptly settling one's debts, and accumulating substantial wealth. Now, I pose a question to you all: Can anyone venture a guess regarding the three most lucrative professions in "The Game of Life"? They were, without a doubt, doctors, lawyers, and engineers. That particular instance serves merely as a singular, highly specific illustration. However, it is unnecessary for one to have engaged in the identical selection of board games during their formative years in order to concur with the notion that society places significant importance on the types of occupations we should aspire to pursue. This emphasis is predominantly fostered by various channels, including the media, educational institutions, and familial influences.

The second question I posed significantly impacted my thought process. As previously established, a majority of 78% of individuals expressed the belief that they needed to pursue one of three specific occupations. However, it is intriguing to consider that a significant portion of this majority would prefer to engage in alternative endeavors in the future. Subsequently, I inquired about their desired pursuits if given the opportunity to pursue absolutely anything 15 years from now. Remarkably, 78% of respondents altered their initial responses. It is crucial to note that this 78% does not consist solely of individuals who initially felt the need to pursue one of the three popular occupations. Rather, it represents 78% of the original group. For instance, among the 8% of respondents who provided an uncertain answer to the first question regarding their future occupation, many were able to identify their desired pursuit when posed with the second question. Furthermore, within the group of respondents whose answers remained consistent between the two questions, comprising 22% of the total, the most frequently mentioned profession was that of a doctor. This finding is noteworthy, as it suggests that individuals envision themselves practicing medicine in the future, aligning their aspirations with their current perspectives. Having gathered these insights, the question arises: How should one proceed with this information? To capture the significance of this discovery, I diligently recorded the names of all the doctors mentioned by the respondents. After all, one can never underestimate the value of having a competent physician at one's disposal when the need arises.

Now, here is the reason why this situation is alarming. Firstly, we must acknowledge that we reside in a society wherein individuals feel compelled to pursue one of three specific occupations in order to achieve success. Secondly, it becomes evident that from an early age, these individuals would prefer to engage in alternative endeavors. They possess the ability to discern between their aspirations and the path they anticipate taking. They arrive at the conclusion that there is one specific pursuit they truly desire to undertake in this world, yet they have determined, for various reasons, that this aspiration is unattainable otherwise. With this consideration in mind, I harbored an entirely distinct set of inquiries that I desired to pose. However, on this occasion, I refrained from distributing a survey or engaging with numerous individuals as I sought to establish a more intimate and involved approach. Hence, for a duration of three days, I physically traversed the premises of the educational institution, carrying a laptop within my backpack. I would approach individuals indiscriminately, be they acquaintances or strangers, and ascertain if they could spare a few moments before their classes to participate in my survey or grant me an interview. Commencing the interviews, my initial query would delve into the reasons for their attendance at the school. I had hoped that they wished to acquire an education, which, I must admit, I achieved. This sentiment was expressed in nearly all of my conversations. However, I was surprised to observe that a recurring theme emerged—many individuals spoke of feeling compelled to pursue education due to external factors. Despite this, I persevered and inquired about their aspirations regarding their education. At this juncture, I received consistent responses; although they varied in their details, they generally revolved around the notion that education is a prerequisite for attaining success. Notably, success was frequently equated with starting a family and accumulating wealth. Of course, it is important to respect each individual's perspective on this matter.

My subsequent inquiry pertains to your perception of success in terms of raising a family and attaining considerable wealth through education. In light of this, what specific accomplishments would you desire for your children? I had anticipated responses along the lines of wanting my son to revolutionize the world or my daughter to leave an indelible mark on history. However, such answers were not forthcoming. The prevailing response, instead, was a desire for their children's happiness, which is commendable. However, when probed further about specific achievements, the answers primarily revolved around aspirations for their son to receive a quality education and their daughter to attain financial independence. I began to discern a monotonous cycle unfolding. In our contemporary society, dreams often take a subordinate position to the pursuit of job security, and passion is frequently overshadowed by the imperative for productivity. Consequently, it begs the question: are we merely existing for the sake of living, or have we become so entrenched in a monotonous routine that our primary goal is simply to disengage from work? It appears as though we are perpetually trapped in a cycle that is devoid of fulfillment. Considering this, I have arrived at the conclusion that children worldwide have relinquished their aspirations, and the primary purpose of our extensive education during youth is to eventually amass sufficient wealth, retire, and instruct our own children to follow the same trajectory. Regrettably, this realization has left me feeling disheartened. Nevertheless, I have convinced myself that it is not too late for me to deliver a discourse on the subject of sports, as a form of solace.

On the subsequent day, I experienced the unfortunate event of being dismissed from my school's basketball team. Nevertheless, I resolved to persist with my endeavor. Consequently, I had one more set of inquiries that I intended to address. Subsequently, I initiated another survey, ensuring complete anonymity. Among the various questions posed in this survey, there are two in particular that I wish to share with you today. The first question pertained to whether the respondents' parents were aware of their respective dreams. Astonishingly, 56% of the participants affirmed their parents' knowledge, leaving 44% of parents oblivious to their children's aspirations. Among the remaining respondents, 24% indicated that their parents were unaware simply because they had never inquired or exhibited any interest in their dreams. Furthermore, 20% expressed discomfort in discussing their dreams, despite their parents demonstrating an interest or initiating conversations about the topic. These statistics greatly alarmed me. I fervently hope that through the dissemination of my talk, such figures can be improved. Whether I am engaging in extensive interviews with numerous children or merely conversing with individuals within your households, I implore you to partake in these crucial discussions. In a world inhabited by seven billion individuals, the subsequent query I posited pertains to one's perception of personal significance. Astonishingly, 43% of the survey participants expressed a lack of belief in the significance of their own lives. It is noteworthy that the definition of significance varies for each person, as one individual might contend that it entails global recognition and widespread awareness of their existence, with any event involving them becoming common knowledge. On the other hand, another person may argue that significance can be attained by being meaningful to merely two or three individuals seated at their metaphorical table. Although the definition of significance fluctuates among individuals, it is imperative to consider the context of this survey, which comprises responses from young individuals, some as young as 14, commencing their initial year of high school as freshmen. At what juncture did we reach a point where 14-year-olds relinquished their aspirations and concluded that their lives were bereft of significance? The gravity of this realization, to be frank, is undeniably disheartening.

We reside in a realm where setting exceedingly ambitious goals, only to fall short, is deemed as failure. Engaging in such a practice is not prudent. I, personally, hold the belief that failure does not occur when one sets lofty goals and falls short. Rather, failure manifests when one sets low aspirations and successfully attains them. In doing so, an individual not only disappoints their community and family but also themselves. This failure arises from the decisive moment, typically at the tender age of 14, when one has a lifetime of opportunities before them. It is during this critical juncture that an individual concludes, and deliberately chooses, not to realize their utmost capabilities and forego the attainment of their true potential. In the contemporary realm we inhabit, rather than being regarded as a unique individual among millions, we are all too familiar with the common adage of being "one in a million." Consequently, we find ourselves reclining into the indistinguishable masses that constitute the remainder of the global population, numbering a staggering seven billion.

At TEDx, our primary objective is to foster an environment conducive to the dissemination of innovative and thought-provoking concepts. By harnessing the collective wisdom of passionate individuals, we aim to inspire profound change and broaden horizons. Through captivating talks and interactive sessions, we encourage you to embrace the transformative potential that lies within ideas and engage in a stimulating exchange of knowledge. In this esteemed gathering, we strive to revolutionize conventional thinking patterns, paving the way for new perspectives and paradigm shifts. With an array of brilliant speakers from various domains, TEDx offers a platform for the exchange of groundbreaking insights that challenge the boundaries of conventional wisdom. Our carefully curated lineup of experts, innovators, and visionaries will captivate your imagination and empower you to question established notions. We firmly believe that the power of ideas can truly revolutionize the way we perceive the world around us. By attending TEDx, you will be exposed to a rich tapestry of intellectual discourse, prompting you to reevaluate preconceived notions and adopt a more open and flexible mindset. We hope to create an atmosphere that nurtures intellectual curiosity, empowers individuals, and cultivates a community dedicated to exploring the limitless possibilities of human potential.

Imagine a realm wherein every individual harbored the belief that they possess the potential to attain significance. Envision a world where the attendance of children in educational institutions stems from their genuine desire to partake in the process of learning. I, personally, aspire to reside within a world wherein, when inquired about the distinction between their dreams and goals, my offspring responds by asserting their parity. This is owing to their youth, ambition, and the vast expanse of time that lies ahead of them, providing ample opportunity to realize their desired accomplishments. In order to alter our societal norms, a collective effort is imperative. This endeavor necessitates a movement that encompasses every individual. The task at hand is not arduous; it simply requires the act of flipping a metaphorical switch. It is essential to refrain from hastily doubting our neighbors, ourselves, and the impact we can make. If there is one objective I aspire my discourse to accomplish, it is to prompt any observer to duly contemplate and engage with the inquiries I have raised today, fostering the discussions akin to those I had during a particular breakfast gathering in London. The potential magnitude of such conversations should not be underestimated, as their impact can be profound. I extend my gratitude to all present, esteemed ladies and gentlemen, for affording me this opportunity to address you. Thank you immensely for becoming the new revolutionaries!

See also: https://mygodsentangels.com/

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