On Healthy Relationships 123

On Healthy Relationships 123

Chi Nguyen ·

Allow me to transport you to the year 1997, a time when the internet was in its nascent stage. During that era, the number of websites available was roughly a hundred thousand, in stark contrast to the present day where we are rapidly approaching the two billion mark. It is noteworthy that during that time, the search engine giant Google did not exist. Each time an individual logged onto the internet, they were likely to hear a unpleasant, jarring sound. In the year 1997, I too was in the stage of infancy. However, my vocalizations were different from the one previously mentioned. Please accept my assurance that I will refrain from subjecting you to any further unpleasant auditory disturbances. My name is John Kamenetsky. I am a junior enrolled at Penn State University pursuing studies in computer science and German. Additionally, I proudly identify as a member of Generation Z. The demographic cohort referred to as "Generation Z" comprises individuals born between 1995 and 2010. In my opinion, a more appropriate moniker for this generation would be the "Internet Generation", given that we are the initial cohort to have experienced the near-ubiquitous presence of the internet throughout our formative years. It is rare for members of our generation to have grown up without access to the internet. What does that imply about our generation? As much of a cliché as it may sound, we have a strong affinity for social media. The digital media company, Awesomeness TV, conducted a survey and found that 65% of respondents believed that not owning a cellphone had a significant negative impact on their social life. Consequently, I kindly urge you to follow me on Twitter under the handle @JohnnyJay25. Furthermore, a substantial portion of our education is conducted online. We utilize YouTube videos to prepare ourselves for classes and examinations. In fact, without the assistance of the online educator, Patrick JMT, it would have been improbable for me to succeed in Math 230. An extra perspective that could be expressed, and one that I believe is particularly relevant for individuals such as myself who were born towards the end of our generation, is that many of us are now maturing with a desire to pursue careers as YouTubers, as opposed to our predecessors who grew up aspiring to appear on traditional television programming.

This was a specific aspiration of mine. I recall during my middle school years, informing individuals that my ambition was to become a director. This was primarily because I felt self-conscious about expressing my desire to become a YouTuber, which was not yet recognized as a professional career at the time. Furthermore, most adults would have dismissed the notion of pursuing such a path. This was a personal aspiration of mine that I have successfully realized. I currently operate a YouTube channel, known as Johnny Jay 25, where I share video content featuring my gameplay in the popular video game, Call of Duty Zombies. It all commenced in the year 2009 when I accumulated sufficient funds to procure a laptop. With the aid of this device, I stumbled upon a realm of online video content that captivated me, and I was inclined to become a part of it. Consequently, in 2010, I shared my inaugural video, and I am grateful that the cringe-worthy content no longer exists. In 2011, I uploaded my first video of myself playing Call of Duty Zombies, which regrettably still persists on the internet as a mildly embarrassing episode. Fast forwarding to 2019, I have amassed over 1,100 videos on my channel, which have garnered more than 75 million views. I have established a modest enterprise; however, of greater significance, I have fulfilled my ambition by becoming a content creator on the platform YouTube. Nonetheless, what I had failed to acknowledge initially was that assuming the role of a YouTuber also entails being recognized as a digital influencer. The term "online influencer" is a marketing phrase that designates individuals with substantial online followings, including myself. This concept serves as a means for brands to procure a sense of genuineness, akin to the use of celebrity endorsements in the digital era. While I must confess that I am not particularly fond of the term, it is not an inaccurate representation of the considerable impact that individuals like myself wield on the internet, particularly among younger demographics. This is the focal point of my discussion today.

With the emergence of Generation Z, along with the ubiquitous presence of the internet, a novel type of celebrity, known as the "influencer," has begun to emerge. It is pertinent to question whether we, as a society, are fully equipped to handle this new phenomenon. During my youth, the public figures who were deemed as role models for children were individuals such as Miley Cyrus and Zac Efron. These personalities were products of corporate entities, backed by teams of legal professionals whose primary responsibility was to maintain their public image and ensure adherence to their brand messaging. Such individuals were under constant scrutiny and subject to strict controls. Although instances of scandal arose periodically, they were typically minor in nature and promptly addressed. In some cases, such occurrences were quickly suppressed to prevent further negative publicity. Currently, the notable figures that capture the attention of young adults and children are online influencers, such as Ninja. Ninja has garnered fame over the past year by streaming Fortnite on Twitch.tv, and has achieved unprecedented mainstream recognition compared to other online influencers. He was featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated, becoming the first online influencer to do so, and hosted his own event in Times Square on New Year's Eve. His following is enormous; at his peak, several million people tuned in every day to watch him stream Fortnite, and he boasts around 21 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. This subscriber count is a remarkable feat achieved by only a handful of channels, and at such a rapid pace. Ninja and other online influencers of his ilk differ from traditional celebrities in that they do not hail from corporate backgrounds and do not have legal representation. Consequently, online influencers are solely responsible for their actions and behavior, and are accountable to themselves alone. With that in mind, I would like to relate a tale about a dissimilar online influencer.

Allow me to present to you the statistics pertaining to Logan Paul's online presence. Mr. Logan Paul boasts an impressive following of 18 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, where his videos have amassed over 4 billion views. It is noteworthy to mention that this view count is a remarkable feat, considering that most television shows are unlikely to reach a lifetime rating of 4 billion views. In addition, he also has a substantial following of 5 million followers on Twitter and 16 million followers on Instagram. Logan encountered a serious predicament in the preceding year when he uploaded a video portraying himself at the location of what is commonly referred to as the "suicide forest" in Japan. Regrettably, the contents of this video were extremely inappropriate and insensitive as they included depictions of deceased individuals and diminished the gravity of suicide. The video contained numerous objectionable aspects, to the extent that I even opted to remove the thumbnail due to its excessively explicit nature. Despite the fact that his video went viral and reached the tenth position on the trending list of YouTube, indicating that it was prominently displayed on the website's front page, it received six million views. These are only the views that were officially counted by YouTube. As someone familiar with YouTube's backend, it is known that when a video is first uploaded and begins to gain popularity, it can be difficult for YouTube to keep track of all the views. As a result, YouTube must verify that the views are genuine before updating the view counter. Consequently, the view count may lag behind the actual number of views. In reality, this video may have been viewed as many as 10 to 15 million times before Logan eventually removed it. As previously alluded to, this video presents numerous flaws. However, the most significant issue is the fact that a substantial portion of Logan Paul's viewership consists of individuals under the age of 18. As a result, by disseminating this video, he has subjected a vast audience of minors to graphic imagery of deceased bodies. Such exposure is widely regarded as unacceptable. While I am reticent to speculate regarding Logan's intent, it is conceivable that he may have sought to generate a buzz by utilizing an attention-grabbing thumbnail and title that prominently featured the discovery of a corpse. The aforementioned approach is capable of attracting individuals, thereby resulting in a surge of clicks. As the clicks escalate into millions, the views follow suit and could potentially reach tens of millions as the content goes viral. Consequently, a single video could yield tens of thousands of dollars. It is possible that Logan Paul became engrossed in the pursuit of creating the next viral video and pushing the boundaries. As online influencers are primarily accountable to themselves, they may become caught up in the moment. This scenario may result in situations such as the one involving Logan Paul. Although this was a public instance of an online influencer making an error, most of these incidents do not receive media coverage. While it is my belief that Logan Paul's actions were a mistake and do not entirely define his character, there are times when the actions of online influencers are questionable and lead me to question whether they were accidental.

Consider, for instance, another online influencer. It is worth noting that my personal feelings towards this individual are somewhat unfavorable. To avoid any potential biases in this matter, I will refrain from disclosing their name, so as not to inadvertently draw attention to them. The online influencer made an allegation of pedophilia against a man who is 62 years old. While acknowledging the gravity and sensitivity of such an accusation, it is imperative to note that the allegation was entirely without merit, lacking a factual basis and was unequivocally false. Despite this, the influencer proceeded to broadcast the false allegation to his audience of four million YouTube subscribers and two and a half million Twitter followers. Subsequently, the influencer employed his considerable social media following to launch a campaign of harassment against the man, which included a series of mean-spirited, false, and hateful tweets. This reprehensible behavior culminated in a tragic video of the 62-year-old man, tearfully struggling to understand why so many people were unjustly attacking him. This online influencer has demonstrated a recurring pattern of inappropriate behavior, as evidenced by a prior instance where their audience harassed an individual who was pushed to the brink of suicide. This highlights a significant issue with the influencer industry, as anyone can become an influencer without regard for their moral character or responsibility towards their audience. While it is admirable that certain individuals who may have previously been unheard are now able to voice their opinions, this also means that some individuals with malicious intent or unworthy of a platform may also be granted a voice.

What implications does this have for the future? It appears that the era in which television was the go-to tool for babysitting children has come to an end. This is because children nowadays seem to have lost interest in television and instead prefer to spend their time watching YouTube. I have personally observed this phenomenon with my younger siblings, Charlotte and Vienna, who are 4 and 8 years old, respectively. In the case of Charlotte, for instance, on a typical Saturday morning during my childhood, while I would usually be watching television programs, such as cartoons and Nickelodeon shows, Charlotte, on the other hand, would be intently focused on the tablet device in front of her. It is worth noting that Charlotte would pay no attention to the television screen that was playing in the background. This observation is supported by empirical data as well. According to a study conducted by Smarty Pants, a research firm specializing in the digital media behaviors of children, it was discovered that 81% of children between the ages of 6 to 8 watch YouTube, and 30% of them consider YouTube as their preferred source of media. This statistic constitutes the largest segment of the surveyed population. Furthermore, the study reveals that children's television viewing decreased by 5% between 2014 and 2016. A 5% figure may appear relatively insignificant at first glance. However, when considering the contextual circumstances, it becomes apparent that this number holds a substantial weight. One such instance is the difficulty of disengaging a child from watching television, as they are often fond of being fixated on screens. Nonetheless, it is noteworthy that the child's behavior is changing, as they are now deliberately diverting their attention away from the television and directing it towards alternative platforms such as YouTube.

I express my reluctance to appear here today as a purveyor of fear. Although there are concerns that the current wave of online media is adversely influencing the minds of children, it is not my intention to suggest that it must be immediately halted. Rather, I believe that such a phenomenon cannot be entirely stopped, and that we should instead take measures to prepare for it. It is crucial to bear in mind that not all online influencers are undesirable. Despite being a relatively minor online influencer, I strive to present myself in the best possible light and make the most of the modest audience I have. In 2017, my acquaintances and I, who engage in similar activities as myself, managed to amass a total of $200,000 for St. Jude's through the utilization of live-streaming while playing video games, targeting our shared audiences. The matter exceeds my personal understanding. For instance, consider the notable figure of Liza Koshi, who currently ranks among the most prominent women in the industry. During her brief tenure as an online influencer, Liza has had the opportunity to conduct an interview with President Obama, collaborated with charitable organizations such as The Giving Keys to provide assistance to the homeless, and has actively supported and promoted mental health awareness. Numerous online influencers are performing remarkable work, and it is often effortless to concentrate solely on the negative aspects and brood over them. However, it is imperative to bear in mind that there is an abundance of good being accomplished as well. There exists a multitude of online influencers who serve as incredible role models and are exceedingly responsible towards their audience. Currently, online influencers such as Liza Koshi, Logan Paul, and Ninja are a recent phenomenon. However, it is predicted that in the future, they will become the prevailing model for celebrities, possessing a greater reach and influence than their predecessors. This is primarily due to their ability to communicate directly with their audience without the interference of a corporation or a team of writers and scripts, which is, in fact, their greatest asset. As a result, they are more relatable, thereby possessing a level of influence that was previously unavailable to celebrities. While it may seem trivial to contemplate celebrities in this manner, it is important to recognize that they will shape the attitudes and beliefs of future generations.

The expectation is that individuals can be accountable, although at times they may fall short. As a representative of the contemporary cohort of online influencers, I am presenting myself today. This cohort is one with which I was acquainted since my childhood and had a significant impact on me, leading to my eventual inclusion. Presently, the media landscape is undergoing rapid changes and consequently, there is a notable shift in the identities of our popular figures. As such, it is imperative that we remain cognizant of these changes. As a recommendation to parents, it is more crucial now than ever to carefully monitor the content to which their children are exposed. In the past, it was common to express concern about inappropriate content on television that we did not want our children to view. However, there was a level of assurance that certain programs on Nickelodeon were appropriate for their age group. Nowadays, the same level of certainty cannot always be assured when it comes to the content that one may come across on YouTube. Currently, the solution at hand can be considered relatively uncomplicated. It is advised to conduct thorough research and vigilantly monitor the online presence of individuals your children may be exposed to. Additionally, a few prompt searches on a search engine such as Google can also be beneficial. For those who are not parents, similar guidance is suggested. It is imperative to exercise caution regarding who you choose to follow on online platforms, as anyone can pose as an online influencer. A few years ago, I was a juvenile engrossed in playing video games in my personal space. However, presently, I can disseminate information to a vast audience of twenty thousand individuals with a single tweet on Twitter. I express my gratitude for this opportunity to prepare you personally.

See also: https://mygodsentangels.com/

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