On Healthy Relationships 102

On Healthy Relationships 102

Chi Nguyen ·

Had I passed away at the age of 22, it could have been some time before anyone was aware as at that point in my life I was focused on studying, had moved away from home and distanced myself from those around me without anyone taking much notice. The upcoming period of time won't be centered around me; instead, I'll focus on the tasks that I'm endeavoring to accomplish. Two years ago, I made the decision to no longer be alone. My co-founders and I were driven to create our own company No Isolation as a result of the loneliness we had each experienced in our own lives. So, we made the decision to leave our jobs and set up the company. We were completely unaware of the magnitude of the problem, and I don't think you understand it either. The danger of loneliness should not be underestimated, as it is more than just an emotion that warrants trying to make people slightly happier. Individuals who experience loneliness are in a perpetual "fight-or-flight" mode, which is a highly stressful state very similar to the feelings I am having currently. Of course, it's always true that experiencing a difficult situation for a short period of time can be very different from living with it for years. When we encounter challenging situations, our brains often activate a stress response to help us cope with the situation in the moment. However, if we're constantly exposed to stressors over a long period of time, this can lead to chronic stress and have negative effects on our physical and mental health. Living with a difficult situation for years can also have a significant impact on our emotional well-being. We may experience feelings of sadness, anxiety, or hopelessness, and it can be challenging to maintain a positive outlook on life. It's important to seek out support and resources to help cope with long-term stressors and manage our emotional health. This might involve talking to a therapist, joining a support group, or practicing self-care activities like exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature.

The heightened levels of stress can result in a variety of issues, some of which may be more serious than others. Research has revealed that loneliness can be a major contributing factor to cardiovascular illnesses, such as heart disease and stroke; in particular, it is associated with a 29% higher risk of heart disease and an even greater 32% risk of having a stroke. It might seem hard to believe, but when it comes to heart disease, being lonely has a greater impact than obesity. Raise your hand if you are willing to participate in a mini experiment. Keep it up until instructed otherwise. Reflect on the feeling of isolation and ask yourself what it is like not having anyone to talk to or turn to when in need. For those of us who have known loneliness, we can all agree that it's a feeling none of us should go through. Therefore, if you haven't felt this emotion before, don't worry - you're not alone. We can all relate to the shared experience of loneliness. Approximately 16% of Norwegians state that they experience loneliness on a daily basis. This is an issue which affects the population in Norway significantly. The United Nations has proclaimed Norway to be the most content country on Earth! It is estimated that around 800,000 people in this small nation feel isolated and do not have anyone to talk to on a regular basis. Worse still, I could be correct that there is often a stigma surrounding loneliness, which can make it difficult for people to acknowledge and seek help for their feelings of solitude. As a result, the actual number of individuals who experience loneliness may be even higher than what is currently reported. It's important for individuals who are feeling lonely to know that they are not alone in their experiences, and that there are resources and support available to help them. This may include reaching out to friends or family members, seeking professional counseling or therapy, or joining social groups or clubs to connect with others who share similar interests. It's important to prioritize your mental health and well-being, and to seek help when you need it.

The loneliness experienced by both the youngest and oldest generations is often overlooked. While much of the research regarding loneliness focuses on seniors, it is important to recognize that young people also experience a significant amount of solitude. The correlation between age and loneliness can be likened to a U-shape, with those at either end of the spectrum feeling particularly isolated. It comes as no shock that those who feel isolated, including children, teenagers and young adults, display poorer academic performance and greater levels of depression as well as more suicidal ideation than their counterparts with strong social connections. For those with long-term illnesses such as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), cerebral palsy (CP), cancer, and heart failure, the effects of social isolation and loneliness can be especially difficult. These diagnoses often cause individuals to lose their place in society, making it hard for them to find a way back. It wasn't until I encountered Anna that the weight of this affliction truly struck me. 14 years ago, her twin daughter Cornelia had been diagnosed with a type of cancer and ended up spending two long years in various medical facilities before eventually succumbing to the illness. As Anna reflected on the two years prior to Cornelia's passing, she felt immense sorrow; not because of the diagnosis, treatments or pain her daughter endured, but due to the fact that Cornelia had become so isolated from her friends and everyday life. Despite being just a 13-year-old girl, no medical diagnosis can prevent her from having social needs. Unfortunately, any illness she may have will impede her ability to fulfill those needs.

Yeah, so let's switch gears a bit. You're all probably familiar with Tinder; it's an app for dating. But I think we don't give them enough credit - my belief is that Tinder has had a positive effect on public health. No matter how hard Tinder tries, an increasing number of individuals are still single. This could be a topic that can be debated between us endlessly. It is not age that has the greatest impact on loneliness, but rather whether or not a person is in a relationship; this is an issue of great concern. As a single female, I am much more likely to experience feelings of loneliness compared to women who are in a relationship. Despite the difficult situation I'm in, I am fortunate to be a female as it makes me much less likely to experience loneliness compared to my male counterparts who are not in relationships. It is an undeniable truth that individuals without a romantic partner are more despondent than those who are married. It seems strange that, despite being in 2017, we have not managed to effectively bridge the gap between people. Unfortunately, it appears that things are actually getting worse instead of better. The effects of loneliness have spread far and wide, impacting people regardless of age, gender or geographical location. It is particularly prevalent in those who are more vulnerable to its consequences. Loneliness is a widespread issue that affects individuals of all ages and backgrounds, and it can have a significant impact on both mental and physical health. While it may not be classified as a "pandemic" in the traditional sense, it is certainly a major public health concern that has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Social distancing measures and lockdowns have made it even more difficult for people to connect with others and maintain their social support networks, leading to increased feelings of loneliness and isolation. This has been particularly challenging for vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, individuals with disabilities, and those living alone. It's important for governments, communities, and individuals to recognize the impact of loneliness and take steps to address it, whether that be through investing in mental health services, providing social support programs, or simply reaching out to those who may be feeling lonely or isolated. By working together, we can help combat the loneliness epidemic and promote greater well-being for all.

I cannot emphasize enough that always being in the fight-or-flight state can lead to an augmented danger of heart diseases by 29%. And as I highlighted initially, this is a very serious issue. That is the same as if someone were to smoke 15 cigarettes per day, which is more hazardous than being an alcoholic. In addition to the physical risks, loneliness can also be a factor in increasing one's chance of developing dementia - it has been shown that those who feel lonely are twice as likely to develop it. There's a great personal toll associated with feeling isolated and alone. Illness carries a huge financial burden on society. The costs associated with sickness are extremely high. Dementia is an expensive condition; 66% of all mental health care costs are related to it. Sadly, loneliness doubles the risk of developing dementia and this little lesson serves as a prime example of how costly it can be to not have social connections. Approximately 12% of the Norwegian population are smokers on a daily basis and 16%, or possibly more, of us are afflicted with loneliness. Both can have devastating effects on our health as they both increase the risk of heart disease and strokes. These two issues are incredibly dangerous, with one being particularly painful. It's clear that the governments of the world are concentrating on only one of them; however, it is not easy to determine what can be done about loneliness. We have implemented taxes on cigarettes and prohibited smoking indoors, but such measures cannot be applied in order to combat solitude. Making an impact on an international level requires a concerted effort from various stakeholders, including governments, international organizations, and communities. Overall, making an impact on an international level requires a multi-faceted approach that involves raising awareness, fostering community connections, promoting mental health services, and collaborating across borders. By working together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of millions of individuals who are struggling with loneliness.

Initially, I went in a different direction than psychology and chose to study computer science. The discourse concerning the effects of technology on loneliness is becoming increasingly widespread. While some believe that modern technology has taken away from real-life interaction, others are of the opinion that it is a great tool for creating new connections. The debate we are having seems to be missing an important perspective: it is not just about the technology itself, but how it impacts us as consumers and the way we use it as well. It's the people who are behind the technology we rely on who are most significant. They make decisions about how it functions and what purpose it serves. Every item has a different use, and it is the people who design them that influence this. Ultimately, it is individuals who create the things we use in our everyday lives. Progress in communication technology has been swift and remarkable; however, it appears to be geared more towards making already productive individuals even more efficient. Technology is too often developed with the needs of those who are already tech-savvy in mind, rather than to assist those for whom it could be most beneficial. The most crucial advances have yet to materialize for those in vulnerable populations. I can provide one of numerous illustrations to demonstrate how the tech world has not kept pace with the older generations. Videoconferencing, a technology-based innovation, has been a part of our lives for some time. Likewise, for many years now, it has been recognized that videoconferencing can be extremely beneficial in combating social isolation and loneliness. It is evident that this technology could be immensely beneficial, yet more than two-thirds of those over eighty have never even tried it. Sadly, only seventy percent have had the opportunity to do so. We must make this technology accessible for those who would gain the most from it. Many of you here in the crowd may have parents or even grandparents who struggle to use modern technology. Though some of you might be eager to proclaim that your mother or father can navigate an iPad, there are still those senior citizens and other elders who cannot. I find myself asking questions when someone says something like that: Is it too much to expect for her to be able to purchase an iPad, get the programs she needs and use it without any assistance? Why is this considered inappropriate? Shouldn't she have the capability of doing so?

I am striving to end loneliness by creating technology solutions which are tailored to smaller groups and their exact requirements. These solutions should be created with the goal of increasing meaningful in-person interactions. My second way to tackle loneliness is by starting a dialogue and making sure that all parties are aware of the issue. By doing so, we can provide an opportunity for people to express how they feel and receive support from others. I did not recognize how isolated I felt, and of course, paradoxically, the very thing you desire is to avoid having anyone close; you do not want to permit anyone in. Unfortunately, this feeling is experienced by many people. I'm positive that loneliness is often the main source of depression, as well as being a contributing factor. Depression is an immense problem nonetheless. We humans are inherently social creatures, designed to be part of a collective and rely on one another for support. Likewise, we must provide this same assistance to others in order to keep the balance. Going through life without any companionship or support is not admirable in any way whatsoever. Why not give a ring to the mutual acquaintance we all share, and just have some fun together? Afterwards, you can invite others to join in. By relying on others, you are providing assistance to them, as well as to yourself. Furthermore, it helps our taxes too. That is all I have for now. Thank you for coming together.

See also: https://mygodsentangels.com/

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