On Healthy Relationships 100

On Healthy Relationships 100

Chi Nguyen ·

In case Michael is dreaming, Jasmine can understand what he means when he says that she has seven beautiful young daughters and a wife of 82 years old who is a modernist. I appreciate the trust that I have with my brother Jason, who is three years older than me. One of the reasons why I don't judge her in the same way that she sometimes judges me is because she often laughs with me, even when she teases or threatens me. It's like we think alike and understand each other perfectly. I had experienced some difficulties myself and, like any pilot, I sometimes had to travel a lot in succession. Even though it was hard for me, I still decided to buy her some chocolates as a peace offering. On the couple of occasions when I couldn't find a way out, she remembered those chocolates and particularly the time we were at her apartment where there were lots of cans around. That's all that I have shared with you about the call that I got from her saying that she needed to go. We were able to reach a deal because I am familiar with my daughter's personality; she prefers to try one thing at a time. If she didn't abide by this agreement, then there would be consequences, such as having to visit the dentist for an angry tooth. Fortunately, we got our favorite person in the world involved and negotiated an outcome where she has to try something new every week. We agreed two days later, and when I got that call she was ecstatic. Her eyes lit up as she told me about the six patentable ideas she had come up with. I can only imagine how that phone call ended; it must have been a great feeling of accomplishment for her. My children don't just bring a bit of joy - they bring an abundance of it, giving purpose and meaning to my work in day-to-day life.

I come from a very modest background and when I look back on my life, I feel both immensely blessed and extremely lucky. Even when I was young, the aspirations that both my parents had for me and those that I held for myself were so far-reaching that never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would have achieved as much as I have. Although I was busy pursuing different opportunities, I discovered that my parents had been the greatest support system throughout my life. My dad worked in the government as one of the civil servants and my mother provided for our family's needs. What I have often found is that they have gone above and beyond what was necessary to help me achieve success with things we thought were important. I was living a luxurious lifestyle that some people would be envious of. People often came to me and asked for advice on how to find success, which I found very gratifying. It wasn't all glory, though; it was a lot of hard work as well. I had a deep inner conflict going on within me, which I was unable to externalize. Externally, people applauded and celebrated the successful woman, leader and marketplace influencer that I was. However, I was inwardly struggling to find meaning in life and this battle eventually led me to a hospital bed six or seven years ago. My engines were running at full speed and I needed to have surgery in order to restore balance in my life which had become increasingly chaotic. I just needed a break to reset the equilibrium. Lying on the hospital bed, feeling helpless after having just been given anesthesia, I gazed into the theater lights which were beginning to blur in my vision. It was a cold day in Joburg and despite not being someone who scares easily, I felt a bit of terror and apprehension. As I lay there pondering my life, all seemed fuzzy to me. As I was lying there ruminating on my life, I thought of my daughter who had been born only a few months prior - 3 months to be exact. She was waiting for me to feed her, while her brother, who was three years older, was getting ready for preschool and needed my attention. However, I wasn't able to provide it at that time. As I lay there on the operating table, my mind was filled with thoughts. Was this really the best version of myself that I could be?

I had the honor of attending the funeral service for one of my closest friends who had lost her father. It was a beautiful ceremony filled with uplifting music and many kind words spoken about him from his family and friends. It was clear that he had lived an admirable life, which was celebrated by all in attendance. As I sat there and read the eulogy, my mind dropped into a reflective state and I started to ponder what would happen when I eventually passed away. The fact that we all have to confront is that one day our lives will come to an end. I've come to terms with death, and I have some plans for it. However, when I started to think about my absence after passing away, the idea of what would remain of me hit me hard. Would people remember me? Would there be any trace of my life left in my family and friends? Will anyone ever tell a story about me as good as my girlfriend's dad's tale that was filled with memorable moments? My father has been a source of motivation for me throughout my life. From a young age, I saw the effort my dad put into investing in me and providing me with an excellent education. Growing up in a family of five, he wanted to ensure that I would have the best life possible. My visions of grandeur from that particular age included going to a good school, doing well in my studies and getting a job preferably with a white manager in it so I could be seen as a substantive person in the organization. Additionally, I had hopes of being happily married, owning a home and having two calves - one for me and one for my hobby. Unfortunately, I have only achieved two out of those goals so far; however, that was what was considered the "good life" at that time. Despite achieving a great deal of success, I felt that something was missing. I had pursued my studies with relentless passion and graduated with first-class honors. As a scientist, this same dedication to my career resulted in me becoming a director at one of the fastest growing companies in Kenya by my early thirties. This company has now become one of the biggest players in the market; however, as more achievements piled up, it became less and less gratifying for me.

I came to the realization that this "disease" was not exclusive to me, as many young people would approach me wanting to talk about how they could reach the same level of success as I had. They wanted to know what my secret formula for fast-tracking their careers was. I started to question if there was something more than just going through the motions of life and meeting all the expected requirements, yet I had difficulty finding a sense of contentment or emotional fulfillment. I started to ponder if I could discover a greater purpose in life, and what kind of effect I was going to have on this world. Could I start writing my own obituary while still alive? Many young people come to my office who express a desire for me to coach them. I ask these individuals if they are able to draw a map of their life, detailing where they have come from, the present situation and what their future holds, as well as the legacy that they wish to leave when they die. I asked them to consider what they would like said about them when they pass away. Being superstitious, many people get quite anxious when confronted with this topic, however I believe having this conversation allows one to face certain realities and truths about themselves.

As a young girl, I always had a fondness for learning geography. Throughout my time in high school, I developed an appreciation for books and all they have to offer; from their smell to the feeling of having one in your hands. Although I still love reading physical books, it was difficult transitioning to digital forms such as Kindle when necessary due to the lack of tangible connection with the material. When I was in high school, the Atlas was one of my favorite books. It was remarkable because it showed all the different countries in the world and opened up possibilities to experience different cultures, people, and places. It ignited a desire within me to travel and witness these places for myself. I was truly astonished by my geography class and the Atlas, especially because I could never quite comprehend how to use a compass. No matter where you are, what your environment looks like or what time of day it is, the north will always remain the north and the south will always be the south. This got me thinking - if life were this predictable, would I be able to identify my own true north? Could I as an individual define a magnetic north that would keep inspiring me through all highs and lows in my life? Would I be able to discover a source of light which could help me distinguish between yes and no; a guide by which I could organize my otherwise disorderly existence?

I remember an amusing Irish proverb that I heard once which reminded me to take ownership of my own life. It said, “No matter how tall your grandfather was, you still have to do your own growing”. Despite laughing at it the first time I heard it, I took its powerful message to heart and understood that if I wanted to make something out of myself then I had to be responsible for creating the best version of me. During this period of my life, I have been striving to create a legacy that will outlive me, even when I am no longer here in physical form. This is how I find purpose and fulfillment in the time that I currently inhabit. Going through the experience of losing myself actually enabled me to find my true self. It helped me to uncover the reason for which I exist in this world and what I need to do in order to fulfill my purpose. This has been a journey of discovering who I am and why I have been placed on this planet. I am now in the process of departing, and I understand that there is a goal at the end of this journey. I'm aware that I am running a competition and it will eventually come to an end. I have been granted a specific length of time, and within that timeline I must be explicit about the positive effect I wish to make on those in my community, at my place of work, and in the relationships most important to me. I conducted a time audit of my life as part of this process, and the findings were both interesting and eye-opening. It turns out that the activities I was devoting most of my time to weren't necessarily those which would help me shape my destiny and make my mark in the world. It became evident to me that without a purpose, joy is inevitable. My greatest accomplishments have been my failures - I have learned immensely from my errors; they have shaped me and demonstrated the routes which will lead to success, as well as those which may cause distress.

My friend the other day shared an idea with me that wise people tend to learn from the mistakes of others, while fools try to make their own. Choosing to be wise, I decided to not only learn from my own errors but also observe and learn from the mistakes that I see others making. As I've gotten older, I've learned to forgive myself and recognize the unique things that make me special. Even though I'm still young (though many people like to remind me that my fourth decade is looming), I'm proud of all the passions and interests that have stayed with me throughout my life. My passions for fashion remain strong; they make me who I am. Dancing and DJing bring me immense joy, and I celebrate that without feeling the need to apologize. As I have grown older, I have become better at making the most of what is important to me. This includes fostering strong relationships with my children and closest friends (of which there are only three). Making magic in these relationships has been key to my development over time. Jasmine demonstrated her understanding of the purpose of a composition as we played together; she knew exactly what she wanted to accomplish and used her intelligence to make sure that she got it. She was negotiating with me and trying to bargain in order to ensure that she achieved her goal. It's possible that some of us have faced this challenge, but it is also likely that we have all had to go through it together. I am aware now that I was not the only one who experienced this difficulty. In the course of my journey, which has spanned several years and is still ongoing, I have discovered a few things. The journey of discovering your purpose can provide you with direction, helping you to identify the values and things that are important to you. In this process, you will learn how to embrace a greater vision for yourself, define your character which will lead to your reputation, and ultimately write your own story. Ladies and gentlemen, at this point in history we have the ability to determine how we will be remembered when we are gone. Let us not squander this chance. Thank you for your own storytelling initiative.

See also: https://mygodsentangels.com/

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