On Healthy Relationships 49

On Healthy Relationships 49

Chi Nguyen ·

People have always held a fascination for me, for the decisions they make to shape and live out their lives. Ever since I was a child, this has been an interesting topic for me. Biologically, some people seem to transcend their circumstances, despite what occurred in the past, while others become a product of their environment and find themselves negatively impacted regarding health, wellbeing and lies. This personal journey has been mine to take. Every stride, every step that I take is now my own exploration. Discovering what each mile has to offer, learning and growing every day I wander. I am finding myself each and every moment as I travel down this path that was uniquely created just for me. My passion for the profession has evolved into my professional focus. I now view it as not only a career choice, but rather an authentic and meaningful calling I am now devoted to dedicating my time and energy towards.

In my early years, I was brought up in one of the most poverty-stricken and demanding areas of my homeland, making it a significant part of who I am now. The environment I found myself in was characterized by criminality, blighted by violence, rife with drug abuse and awash in the darkest forms of depravity. Frequency of survival is seen to be what drove many individuals' paths in life, including my own. My life as an adult has been a lesson in how extraordinary people can arise from the ordinary - the irony being that this was what I ultimately learnt and experienced. Today I am incredibly appreciative to have the opportunity to raise my family in such a wealthy and prosperous part of my country. My life has been the epitome of contrast and duality, experiencing both the highs and lows of life to an extreme. The first half of my life was characterized by allowing the environments I found myself in to have an influence on my mindset, resulting in severe ramifications due to inappropriate decisions. At 18 years old, I was so overwhelmed that the thought of ending my life and leaving this world seemed more desirable than actually staying. It's difficult to put into words what those feelings were like. My greatest challenge has been my rock bottom; dealing with the resulting emotions and trying to find a way up from it has been difficult. Yes, life's greatest challenges have been difficult, but they've also served as blessings in disguise that have helped me get to where I am now. However, there are still more questions and answers and I continuously ponder if these struggles are proof of this phenomenon?

At the start, we must investigate how this vehicle was constructed in order to comprehend its functionality fully. To gain a complete picture and understand the foundation of this exploratory process, it is necessary to go back to the primary source. All of us originated from a single cell derived from our father, which developed inside our mother's body. It allowed the formation of the essential Human Nervous System; consisting components such as the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and several neural transmitters enabling messaging systems throughout the body. Before we are even born, the intelligence within our human nervous system guides us through a dramatic transformation from just one cell to a massive network of one hundred trillion cells. The most brilliant thinkers ever on the planet couldn't even come close to manufacturing a single cell, either in artificial or natural settings. Yet, this knowledge helps us reach profound realizations about our existence. Every day, this intelligence is capable of creating tens of thousands of new cells. It is an amazing feat! A mind capable of thought and creation, is also capable of producing two arms and legs, a heart to pump blood through miles of vessels, and an immune system - the elements required for breathtakingly complex beings to exist. Every action, every thought and all biological occurrences are enabled and regulated by the brain's intricate intelligence at work within our nervous system.

Fritz Albert Pop, a renowned biophysicist, announced that every cell in the body is capable of undergoing an astounding 100,000 chemical reactions in just one second. Every second, our nervous system perfectly and intelligently coordinates an inconceivably large number of 100 trillion cells engaging in hundreds of thousands of chemical reactions. Everything works in perfect synchronization at the same time. You may be wondering why, if you possess such incredible intelligence and prowess, your life still doesn't feel extraordinary. I firmly believe that our lives are largely just a result of the choices we make, giving us a great amount of free will and independence. By manipulating our decisions, we can significantly shape who we become and which path we take away from here on out. Imagine for a moment two beds of soil, each filled with organic matter and all the vital constituents necessary for creating life: minerals, nutrients, and goodness. This bed of soil I'm giving special attention to by nurturing and cultivating its power and potential, I am making sure it has seedlings, sunlight and plenty of water. I completely ignoring the other bed of soil, on the other hand. From several months from now, you will see something extraordinary like life should be: a landscape full of colorful flowers, vibrant greens and lush plants. But of course,, the weeds in the second flower bed are less than ordinary, much like my life used to be. The wellbeing of humans, consciousness, and the effects we make on Earth can be enhanced by improving our health, especially our mental health.

Our nervous system can be thought of as a computer that is constantly analyzing data from our surroundings. It is constantly being presented with information and responding accordingly. Our nervous system and biology help us to interpret the external world; how our inner intelligence makes sense of it all. Our sense organs such as smell, sight, hearing, taste and touch not only allow us to experience the world around us; as well as an intuitive gut feeling which can be connected to and supporting our own nervous system. Our internal biology processes and integrates information from our outer world to create internal adaptations that help maintain homeostasis and balance. By attempting to make sense of this environment, it enables us to stay in a state of dynamic equilibrium. Our human nervous system is constantly with us right from birth, providing opportunities to nurture and reach our full potential. Yet, the choice ultimately lies with us on how we want to leverage it. Life, if viewed from birth to death, appears to revolve around one purpose; growth and evolution. Biologically speaking, it seems as though our very reason for existence is to experience purposeful progression and dynamic development throughout our lives. Integrating life experiences can lead to increased coherence, organization, and complexity in both biological and consciousness systems. This makes it possible for a fuller understanding of how the two systems interact, leading to greater overall understanding. The first half of my life went by in a continuous cycle stemming from my challenges and trauma; consequently, neither my body nor mind was able to grow beyond the frequency of these hindrances, leaving me unempowered and uninspired.

Using downhill skiers as subjects in their study, researchers looked at how the nervous system reacted. As the athletes physically downhill skied, their responses were measured. Researchers also conducted experiments which required that the individuals visualize skiing down a hill and assessed reaction. Regardless of if they were actively skiing or just daydreaming about it, their nervous system still fired in similar ways; it had no concept of time, unable to differentiate between what is past, present and future. Right now our nervous system processes experiences, no matter whether they happened 20 minutes ago or 20 years ago. We live and experience them through the biology and perception that the challenge or experience brings. People who get taken advantage of but have not integrated it likely believe that they can't be trusted. If your partner has been unfaithful and you haven't yet come to terms with it, your trust may be irreparably damaged that romantic partners can indeed remain loyal to one another. Even math and science may not be something you feel you have succeeded in or integrated into yourself, but that does not mean it can't be something that you can complete. It just may require some work and dedication to unlock the potential for successful achievement in these subject areas.

We may become stagnant if our biology is persistent in attaining the same level of frequency resulting in inhibited progress, limiting our ability to integrate, evolve, flourish and maximize potential. When we become stuck in either our past or future, guilt and fear typically take up residence. Consequently, our predominant emotion is often shaded by darker feelings that come from being rooted in those moments. "I don't feel like I have enough to offer; I'm not good-looking enough or capable enough—I can't do it and it's too hard so why bother trying?" This sentiment is a result of our life experiences that keeps repeating through our biology, like an audio disk with a scratch playing the same verse of despair. Brain scans have revealed that when brain waves become incoherent, our capabilities and potential are diminished. We essentially weaken ourselves by fragmenting and denying chances to live life to the fullest. When a person is faced with a new or stressful situation, the brain and body may experience the so-called 'fight or flight' response. This releases stress hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine — which can cause us to make rash decisions that often result in unfavorable outcomes. Our bodies struggle to adjust, leading to undesirable aspects such as symptoms, illnesses, and diseases. This is a reminder that life moves forward and it is up to us grow and progress; by incorporating our accumulated experiences.

No matter how many challenging experiences one may have gone through, such trials can be seen as a blessing in disguise. As a healthcare practitioner, I have seen firsthand how patients can learn and grow from these experiences. I believe that with the proper mindset, any challenge could present an exciting and unique learning opportunity. A gift of a potential transformation afterward can be beyond pleasurable. It could especially come as an unexpected surprise, experienced by those who give and those who receive. Our life experiences can be integrated, allowing us to cultivate and nurture the intelligence within our biology. By engaging with our "stuff" in question, something extraordinary occurs. Brain waves travel and meld together, reaching a sense of peace and harmony. Waves of energy surge through, unifying on their journey to create balance and unity. We release dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins - all of which play an important role in affecting our moods and behaviors. The levels of Oxytocin that peaks 200 times, rushing to the amygdala in our brain helps to shut down emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, and anxiety. As a result we are left feeling reflective (in the form of grace) and enamored (in the form of reverence) for life. Our brain scans indicate that our brain waves move into a state of synchronous, high order functioning - a condition known as coherence. We are making tremendous progress in our lives by taking giant leaps forward. Quantum shifts help ensure that these changes are fully realized and help us further our success and progress. Gratitude is what we feel once all is said and done. After taking into consideration the scene around us, reflecting upon our individual journeys and paths, the connection between different people, it's evident that this emotion of gratitude should be apparent. We integrate, grow, and involve, unlocking boundless potential. This opens up a vast array of wonderful opportunities for a truly fulfilling life.

I think that life is a decision; it is up to us alone about where we choose our paths in life. We must decide for ourselves which direction to take, and it must come from within inside of us. Ultimately, the choices we make determine the outcomes that occur in each and every moment. It's not what happens to us that matters, but our response and how well we integrate the unexpected events that take place. Life throws a lot of curveballs, but it's up to us on how we handle them. The procedure is rather straightforward - however, don't misjudge its simplicity as its easy side. Cultivating and empowering our inner power and intelligence requires us to integrate the multitude of life experiences we undergo. Beyond the thoughts, will and emotions this biology environment evokes, billions of chemical reactions occur within each second that influence our bodies too. Our biology is transitioning to a unified, holistic state wherein all parts become interdependent and interconnected. This is resulting in an increased harmoniousness of the biological system as a whole. You have the potential to lead a meaningful life and make use of all that it has for you. Through our lens of opportunity, we are inspired and encouraged to see even more potential. Your actions become a reflection of your dreams and goals, leading towards a wonderful life experience! The combination of your biology and choices have the potential to create extraordinary results; just like all 100 trillion cells in your body create a beautiful mind-body synergy that is greater than the sum of its parts. Each person on the planet could be seen as an individual cell, contributing to one organism: humanity. My vision is of us all united, alike in our common living system. We have an opportunity to lift not only our community, city and country, but also our entire nation and world when we are able to draw on and make use of the extraordinary potential we possess. This will propel humanity well beyond that which any single part can achieve on its own. Although there are obstacles in life, they should not be seen as preventing me from accomplishing my goals; rather, my journey has taught me that these challenges serve to only make us stronger. No, in fact it's not true at all. Far from valid, the assertion is completely opposite. Thank you for allowing us to discover who we are and all we can become by challenging ourselves. It is this type of self-exploration that turns us from ordinary to extraordinary.

See also: https://mygodsentangels.com/

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