On Healthy Relationships 117

On Healthy Relationships 117

Chi Nguyen ·

Greetings, I am present here with the intention to assist you in transforming yourself into the best version that you can be within the next 15 minutes. Before we proceed, may I inquire if you are fully prepared for this endeavor? If not, kindly take your time. However, if you are prepared, I would like to request your undivided attention as you are the primary actors in this process, not myself. Kindly take a moment to observe your surroundings. Please begin by looking towards your left, then to your right, and even behind you. Thank you for doing so. It is possible that you are able to describe one of your neighbors. However, the primary objective of this discussion is to promote self-improvement. If you aspire to become the best version of yourself, you must learn to sell yourself effectively. Therefore, I would like to create a more intimate setting by asking you to imagine that we are alone on the stage, engaged in a conversation. This does not imply that you should be contemplating how to become the best version of yourself as a parent, a boss, a director, a friend, or a spouse. Instead, the key to achieving this goal is to use our interaction as an example. Commence with an acting career, and you will find yourself eagerly anticipating the opportunity to perform a scripted action. However, this does not imply that every day will be joyous and familiar. The reality is more intricate than that. To succeed in this field, one must be mindful of both their inner state and the characteristics of the character they portray, while also remaining alert to the shifts in their surroundings. The circumstances surrounding your personal development are genuine and simultaneously have a positive impact on those in your social sphere with whom you interact.

Throughout the course of my life, I have come to discover two essential competencies that hold great significance. These competencies are integral to personal growth and development, as they enable individuals to reach their full potential and become the best versions of themselves. The rationale behind my desire to concentrate on the aforementioned competencies lies in the fact that they are instrumental in the development of emotional intelligence and enable individuals to attain a heightened level of sagacity. In order to fully realize our potential, it is essential for human beings to cultivate both emotional and rational intelligence. The initial instance in which I was introduced to the concept of emotional intelligence occurred during my pursuit of a social education degree. However, the aspect that truly captivated my interest was the opportunity to apply this knowledge in practical situations.

I would like to share an example concerning a young girl named Anna who enrolled in the school at which I am employed. The image of her countenance is etched in my memory as it appeared to be an emotionless facade, devoid of any discernible feelings. It was as if Anna was present solely in a physical sense, and interactions with her were limited for both myself and the other students. Despite this, Anna was welcomed into our community, and we engaged in activities with her, albeit with minimal interaction. One day, Claudia's mother approached me with tears in her eyes and said, "Claudia, I must inform you of something." As is often the case when I hear this phrase, I felt apprehensive. Claudia's mother then proceeded to share that her daughter had smiled twice recently, once yesterday and again this morning. This is a noteworthy occurrence, as Anna is three years old and has never before been observed smiling.

The situation was deeply unsettling when Claudia disclosed to me that she had been subjected to rape by her then-boyfriend, who later became her husband regardless. The family life that followed was nothing short of a nightmare for four years. When the husband started to issue death threats, Claudia took the decisive step of fleeing with her baby to ensure their safety. The competency that the woman in question developed to become her best version is a clear example of resilience. Despite the fact that her child was a result of a rape, Claudia displays unwavering love for Anna and never places blame on her. In fact, Claudia recognized the importance of positivity and built a family where the act of smiling is never forgotten and is shared among them every day.

Resilience refers to the ability to overcome challenging circumstances and transform them into positive outcomes by adopting a constructive mindset. This entails persevering through adversity and striving to achieve the optimal version of oneself. I am confident that you may have encountered challenging situations in the past. However, I sincerely hope that your current circumstances are not so arduous as to be comparable to the one we are currently discussing. I suggest that you take a genuine break and consider selecting a challenging situation from your life. Evaluate the options and choose only one of them. It should not be too arduous to recall such a predicament.

I would like to inquire about three questions regarding the topic at hand, which I believe may be relevant to your interests as well. Please note that I do not require a response solely for my own benefit. May I then firstly ask why you have not derived any lessons from this situation? From my personal experience, altering negative thoughts to positive ones can assist in overcoming obstacles. This process is commonly referred to as positive thinking. Although it may be challenging to accomplish during arduous times, it is crucial that we strive to change our negative thoughts. I would like to encourage you to consider Claudia while contemplating this matter. The second query pertains to the identification of the skillset that you have discovered within yourself. Specifically, the focus is on recognizing any pre-existing abilities, such as the capacity for forgiveness, both towards others and oneself. These proficiencies play a crucial role in attaining the primary objective of gaining a deeper understanding of oneself. Lastly, has the experience that you just underwent brought about a significant change in your life? Consider the cases of Claudia and Anna; it is quite evident, isn't it? Reflect on your own life before and after the experience, and determine whether it had a significant impact on your life. I trust that by having followed the presentation of the aforementioned three inquiries, you have garnered a greater comprehension regarding the attributes of a resilient individual.

It would be a greater accomplishment to pursue the path of emotional intelligence. I can provide some suggestions for improvement, such as developing one's compassion or enhancing communication skills. These measures can potentially lead to positive outcomes. When one engages in resilient behavior, one concurrently develops the skill of self-management. During my initial foray into team management in my 20s, I was confronted with the challenge of leading a team predominantly comprised of older, male individuals who had not previously been led by a woman. This presented a significant obstacle that required considerable effort to overcome. Nonetheless, it was merely one of the many obstacles that I encountered during that period. I had recently ended my romantic relationship with my significant other, and I found myself feeling quite despondent. Being a newcomer to this town, I was experiencing feelings of isolation. Having been raised in a conventional family setting, I am the sole daughter and youngest sibling. My upbringing did not involve any formal training to become a manager. Consequently, at that particular juncture, I questioned my capacity to lead and manage a team's emotions, given that I was struggling to handle my own emotions effectively.

For the reason that I made a decision to try a method, I developed a personal approach that involves two distinct steps. The first part of my method involves learning about my emotions, which requires the completion of two initial steps. Firstly, I must refrain from ruminating - this involves stopping negative and obsessive thoughts, and avoiding situations where I am alone and prone to boredom. The second step involves observing myself and becoming more aware of the emotions I am experiencing. To facilitate this, I have read some literature on emotional states such as sadness and insecurity. Once I have identified any negative emotions, I work to counter them by engaging in positive experiences or actions. Examples of such activities include dancing, which I particularly enjoy, or contacting my friends, who are an important source of support for me. After completing this exercise, I have found that I feel more confident and energized, which helps me to face any challenges that come my way.

Upon reflection following the exercise, I came to the realization that emotions cannot be categorized as positive or negative. The primary concern lies in our ability to manage our emotions. Rather than fearing our emotions, it is imperative that we learn to release them and comprehend their utility. This approach can prove to be efficacious. Subsequently, I aspired to persist in collaborating with my team, notwithstanding their intermittent physical absence from my workplace. It is noteworthy that they monitored my conduct during my departures from the office. Recollecting a particular instance, upon my return, I perceived a pervasive air of scrutiny directed towards me, as if they were searching for any negative aspects about my actions. The rationale behind this behavior eludes me. One day, upon my return with a shopping bag, I noticed that I was being scrutinized in silence. I proceeded to the break room and overheard some gossiping about me, as the door was ajar. To address the situation, I ventured into the break room and requested that those present attend a meeting. Their response was less than courteous, with a tone reminiscent of schoolboys. Upon entering the recreation room, they discovered a large cake, and I took the opportunity to invite them to join me in celebrating my birthday. Perhaps it was not the best approach to share the method with my team as the second part. Would you agree that this part was more arduous than the first? Sharing one's vulnerabilities and uncertainties with others, even with family and friends, is never an easy task. Subsequently, Richard Boyatzis expounded upon the concept of resonant leadership, which involves the practice of fostering resonance within a team. By implementing resonant leadership, individuals can cultivate greater levels of confidence and forge genuine relationships, resulting in the realization of corporate objectives. Notably, the successful execution of resonant leadership at the company Suk's led to the exceeding of its historical goals.

Now that we are alone, I would like to confess that I have experienced a significant level of success that has taken me by surprise. While I am uncertain if I stumbled upon a magic formula at that moment, the method has proven to be effective in my line of work, which involves education, business, and training young entrepreneurs in the development of emotional skills. I encourage you to give it a try and witness its effectiveness firsthand. After a few minutes of my presentation, I trust that you have acquired the necessary tools to enhance your life, enabling you to cultivate competencies such as resonant resilience and self-management. The transformational impact of these skills has been instrumental in the positive changes I have experienced in my own life, as I strive to make my aspirations a tangible reality with each passing day. I believe that this approach holds immense promise for steering me towards a fulfilling path in life. Kindly refrain from inquiring about my current relationship status as it is of little significance. The most pertinent matter at hand is the type of phone I possess, specifically an iPhone. I have established valuable friendships and encountered individuals who align with my personal aspirations. It is clear to me where you stand in this regard. Today, I have presented several ideas, but the most crucial one is to cultivate a sense of freedom. It is imperative to recognize that there is no singular method or approach, and the key lies in introspection, self-dialogue, and dedicated practice. This is akin to the rigorous rehearsal process of actors and actresses before each performance. Subsequently, you may utilize the aforementioned in various domains such as familial, professional, and social spheres, whilst concurrently fostering your capacity for empathy and compassion. The pursuit of self-improvement is a lifelong journey that can lead to a fulfilling and satisfying life. Each person has the potential to become the best version of themselves, but it requires dedication, effort, and a willingness to grow. Becoming the best version of yourself is a process that takes time and effort, but it's worth the journey. By identifying your values and goals, adopting a growth mindset, practicing self-care, learning continuously, surrounding yourself with positive influences, and practicing gratitude, you can become the best version of yourself and live a fulfilling and satisfying life. Interpersonal relationships hold great significance in our lives as we rely on one another for support and companionship. By finding suitable approaches, we can enhance our emotional intelligence and unveil the finest version of ourselves. It is crucial to persistently practice and bear in mind that we are the protagonists of our lives. I extend my gratitude to Royden for his contribution, acting and all.

See also: https://mygodsentangels.com/

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