A Valentine for My Father

A Valentine for My Father

Chi Nguyen ·

Hello! I hope you're having a great Valentine's Day. This is a short blog post to wish you all the best. Let's have some fun! I'm going to do three easy things you can do with your children and give them their own gift. You'll be surprised by how thoughtful it is. This could be perfect for a holiday like Valentine's Day, where you might not be buying too many gifts. You know it's not Christmas yet, but you still want a symbolic present for your children to share with their friends. And it's even better if it's something they have made themselves! They can be proud of themselves for putting in the effort into this and giving such a thoughtful gift to others. There are many great, unique gift ideas here that people of all ages will love. A perfect present for Grandma, Dad, Mother-in-law or any family member you might want to surprise.

This is also a collaboration with my dear friend on YouTube. Her name is Misty and her channel is Misty J. Misty is one of the first people I connected with when I started doing videos. She was so supportive and encouraging, and she helped me grow my channel immensely. It's been a while since we've seen each other together in person which makes this video even more special to me. She makes the most beautiful videos and she has a wonderful family. Her videos are helpful for moms, productivity tips, and housekeeping tutorials. Her work is flawless.

I'm planning to work on these three projects and they'd be perfect because of these reasons. One of the good things about these projects is that they are not age-specific. The projects can be enjoyed by children who are one-year old as well as from 8 years old. Everybody can have a good time with this. They are also good for occasions were you will be occupied for a few minutes, including trips to the grocery store. You can go grab a cup of coffee, zone out for a few minutes and finally my favorite part: everything is just one dollar! You should come by sometime. The first thing I'm going to show you is this cute little wood decoration. I picked this up in the craft section at Walmart. With its fabric and other crafting supplies, it's a good place to find what you need. It's a wooden frame with a heart in the center that would make for the perfect Valentine's Day gift. So I let my daughter use some markers to draw on the box. This is not a picture of her; she decorated it to her heart's content, and then I put a picture of her in the frame and gave it to her father. It's a very cute Valentine's Day gift, but it can be used all year round. You can put it on your desk or on your office bulletin board because it has a purpose and it actually works!

The second project I did was also a picture frame, but just a regular frame this time. I think this one came from the Dollar Tree originally. I know I got it at a dollar store. I gave my daughter some stickers that we had, and she let her choose where to put them. If your kids are anything like mine they're really into stickers right now. So I think anything they can do with stickers will keep them engaged! These stickers are heart-shaped, but you can do any shape you want. It really does depend on what she likes. If your child has a favorite character, do that character. It will make it more personal. You could also add a picture of your child or in some cases your partner, if you wanted to. This is a very sweet idea.

First, I'm going to talk about my third project. Though it is a bit messier than the other two, it's still a really fun project to work on. I got this little plaque at the dollar store and it had a nice quote on it. They have a good variety of Valentine's Day gifts in stock right now. It's cute on its own; what I like about it is that it's 3D so it can stand up on its own. So if you gave this to your spouse or significant other they could take it to their place of work and use it. They could set it on a desk or on their shelf - it would still function! I then allowed my daughter to use some finger paints that she already had and would allow her to paint. I think this is a really sweet idea! Kids can be really artistic and what’s awesome is that they are not limited by only using certain colors of paint. My daughter is really creative, so her shirt designs are always a bit messy. If you have an older child they might really enjoy curating patterns and colors on their clothes. The designs dry quickly and cost next to nothing, plus it's a good way to keep your kids busy for a while! This is a great opportunity to get your child involved in the gift-giving process, which can be tricky when you're not sure what to do. Father's Day for instance: children often just want to do something nice for their dads but don't always know how. I wish good luck to my readers and their children in surprising their fathers for Valentine's Day.

See also: https://mygodsentangels.com/

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